Chapter 16: When Mother Nature's Sad, Take a Shower

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Hey guys! This is a bit of a short one, but I'm gonna update sometime in the next two days thanks to Easter Weekend. That is, if I can finish all the stuff my teachers have set me because it's Easter Weekend. So sometime this week. I really don't wanna let you down and wait till Sunday but life is so... Year 12 is so... Hell.

They were soaking wet by the time they got back to Jihoon's apartment. The weather had taken a sudden turn during lunch, pouring as if Mother Nature was the saddest person in the world. Jihoon's mother had told him that whenever it rained, it meant that Mother Nature was crying, all the way up there in the sky. He had stubbornly held onto this belief even after he knew it couldn't be true. It was sad really, like he was some kind of little kid desperate to hold onto his childishly happy memories of his mother.

When he told Soonyoung this, instead of being ridiculed like he expected, he was merely pulled into an embrace and kissed gently, like he was the most precious thing in the universe. He liked that feeling. And he showed this by a soft tug of his boyfriend's earlobe, smiling into the kiss. They stood like that for a moment, Jihoon tiptoeing so Soonyoung wouldn't have to crane his neck.

Soonyoung's hands were circled around his waist, holding onto his hips, a feeling Jihoon also rather enjoyed. 'You're so painfully adorable.'

Jihoon's head was tipped to the side in question. 'Why is it painful?'

Soonyoung leaned down in answer, stopping just a centimetre or two away from the smaller boy's face, or more exactly, his lips. 'Because it makes me wanna kiss you so much.'

The small boy breathed against the other's mouth, gripping more tightly onto his earlobe, as well as his soaking wet blazer. 'Why don't you?'

The taller boy's gaze flicked downward, towards their clothes. 'Because we'll catch a cold if we stand here any longer.'

'So....' his grip on Jihoon's hips shifted, 'how about we take a shower?'

This suggestion caused the smaller to completely lose control of his jaw muscles, as well as his blazingly red cheeks. 'Soonyoung!'

The taller laughed as he suddenly "swept him of his feet", in a manner of speaking, and proceeding to advance towards the bathroom with his boyfriend struggling in his arms.

'Soonyoung! STOP!'

'Relax,' Soonyoung chuckled, 'haven't you ever heard of taking a shower with your clothes on?'

'... no.'

'Well, it's good for preventing colds.'

'Where the hell did you hear that?'

'Hmmm, dunno. But it must be true.'

'Don't tell me that you're one of those people. The ones that believe everything they read on the Internet.'


All throughout this conversation, they were stripping off their socks and blazers while they waited for the shower to heat up. When it finally did, they hopped in, and Jihoon had to admit, it was quite nice.

And it got even nicer when Soonyoung finally gave into himself and pulled him into a tight embrace, kissing him with as much passion as Jihoon could've thought to ask for.

It wasn't a desperate sort of kiss, but there were some strong feelings behind it, meaning that it was definitely, well... passionate. Jihoon kind of imagined that all kisses that took place in a shower were like this. He certainly hoped so.

It started off slow, Soonyoung's hands simply cupping his cheeks as he leaned down, softly pressing his lips against his. Then he gently pulled on his bottom lip with his teeth, expressing his desire for the other to open his mouth. It was all rather sweet until that moment, Jihoon's hands hooked into the belt loops of Soonyoung's pants.

But as soon as he gained permission to do so, Soonyoung slid his tongue into the kiss, something Jihoon still wasn't all that familiar with. All of a sudden Soonyoung was taking control, pressing him to the shower wall, pressing himself against the smaller boy in turn. No words were needed when Jihoon's fingers tangled themselves in his hair, and Soonyoung smoothly pulled the other's shirt from being tucked into his pants. Jihoon always felt a strange rush whenever Soonyoung would trace the scars on his back, like being ticklish but different in an exciting way.

Likewise, Soonyoung loved it when Jihoon melted into his touch, slight sounds that he doubted he was even aware of escaping his mouth. He loved the way his boyfriend would forget to breathe for a moment, then suck in all the air through his nose in a sudden burst. He loved the swollen lips he would see as he leaned away, giving the boy a chance to frantically pull air back into his lungs. But most of all, he loved how the other would tense up when he moved down to his neck, biting and kissing softly.

Oh, he might've forgotten how much he loved the loud gasps that emerged when he grabbed his bum. That was definitely something he loved, however perverted it sounds. Well, he didn't think Jihoon minded, at least not then anyway.

Oh yes, judging by the way he forced his head up and shoved his tongue back into his mouth, Jihoon definitely wasn't complaining.

Did you like it? You know that kpop friend that forced my Wattpad name out of me? Yeah, well, I had nothing to worry about. She's now encouraging me to write smut and preaching the wonders of G-Dragon fanfics. How lovely.

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