Chapter 22: Borderline Psychotic

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Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating but I've been busy and I didn't have a chapter written last week.

*Wag (wagging, wagged) - New Zealand slang for skipping/cutting class or school. It just felt more natural writing that.

Walking into school the next day with Soonyoung's arm slung over his shoulder made Jihoon feel slightly less scared by the amount of attention he was still getting. Don't these people have a life? Apparently not.

His own attention was stolen when he spotted a rather odd sight. Wonwoo and Mingyu standing in the hallway. Wonwoo and Mingyu standing in the hallway, holding hands. With their fingers intertwined. Scandalous. Great, more teasing material *cue evil laughter*.

Okay, so holding hands wasn't such a big deal, but maybe he was a bit hypersensitive to any area relating to the two boys because of the Friday's big reveal.

He could feel a Grinch-like smile growing on his face as he began pulling Soonyoung toward the two, who were surrounded by their friends. It only grew as he made his presence clear to the group, who were in the middle of talking about how Chan was terrified of his form teacher. Jihoon didn't blame him. Mr Go was seriously scary, from the few times he'd passed him in the halls, screaming at some very scared (no doubt mentally scarred) students.

Jihoon nudged Wonwoo, whispering into his ear while gesturing with his eyes towards the huge doofus he was holding hands with. 'So?'

Wonwoo leaned in, whispering in turn, 'We're gonna tell everyone at lunch.'

'So Mingyu finally manned up, the brat.' Jihoon was quite satisfied with his work.

'How are we even friends? You're such an asshole.' Wonwoo's face almost split in a huge grin.

Jihoon took it as a compliment. 'It's 'cause I'm always the one to kick your dumb ass into gear.'

'True,' the dorky boy mused.

The bell rang but the conversation of the rest of the boys' continued. Jihoon patted Wonwoo's shoulder in farewell and dragged Soonyoung away just as said boy was about to launch himself into the conversation.

'Sorry mate, but I'm not being late because of you,' Jihoon sort of apologized as he dragged Soonyoung up the stairs, not daring to look behind him and be faced with his boyfriend's pout.

'You're so mean,' Soonyoung whined, but he intertwined his fingers with Jihoon's anyway.

They had their first class together, so they spent their time writing down notes while secretly holding hands. It wasn't that hard, the teacher wasn't that good at his job anyway. Jihoon swore he knew more about maths than this guy, and Jihoon sucked at maths. It took almost all of his willpower to not burst out laughing as the guy stumbled through the latter half of the lesson. It was some of the hardest fifty minutes of his life. It was only made easier by Soonyoung occasionally whispering into his ear. But then that made him ticklish...

Jihoon felt in the mood for complaining when he realised that the lesson was nearly over. 'I don't want to go to homeroom. Everyone stares at me and then there's "scary dude".'

Soonyoung stifled a giggle. 'It still cracks me up that up that you call him "scary dude".'

Jihoon pouted. 'He's scary though!'

'I know, baby,' Soonyoung soothed, 'but I have an idea.'


'How about we *wag homeroom?'

'Sound's good.'

Then, five minutes after the bell rang, he found himself in an abandoned office, pressed up against the wall. Why? Well, Soonyoung was currently devouring him. Seriously, the boy must've been really looking forward to this to kiss so enthusiastically. Jihoon didn't feel like being in charge at the moment, so he simply gripped onto Soonyoung's neck with one hand, while the other's fingernails were digging half-moons into his hips. He should've felt quite scandalized by the sudden unbuttoning of his shirt, but he was too preoccupied with kissing his boyfriend's neck.

Then he decided he'd had enough of being pushed up against a wall and swiftly switched their positions. It was a lovely feeling to be pressed up against Soonyoung's stomach as he held him there. He could feel his breathing, and he was pretty sure the other boy could feel him doing it too. It was a relaxing feeling, yet Jihoon saw something in Soonyoung's eyes that he'd never seen in them before. He was suddenly reminded of the time he'd walked in on the intimate exchange of Seojoon and the first year. He didn't know how to feel about that.

He had never felt anything remotely sensual with Soonyoung before, but as the taller boy leaned down to suck on his collarbone, he found himself experiencing something he couldn't deal with. He let out a shuddering gasp as the taller boy began nibbling. That only made it worse. He didn't know how to cope with it.

The blood rushed to his face; how was this happening?

More importantly; how could he stop it?

Although regretfully, the only idea he could come up with was to try and detach himself. That wasn't the best decision, as Soonyoung simply took this as an attempt to tease him. This resulted in him being drawn into a deep kiss that he couldn't get out of.

Okay, so maybe this feeling isn't that bad after all. He'd just enjoy it while it lasted.

Lunch rolled around quickly, quicker than Jihoon had expected. And so it was time for the day's big announcement.

They were all seated around one of the large tables in the cafeteria, Soonyoung's friends included. Okay, so maybe they weren't just Soonyoung's friends now; Jihoon rather liked them. Seokmin and Seungkwan got on famously, both understanding one another's humour, and Hansol was the one to keep them grounded. Jun and Minghao were constantly in their own little world, and Chan was well looked after. All of them just fit together. Jihoon was also pleased that the shy Joshua seemed to be getting on well with Soonyoung's Uni mates, who he had been meeting up with regularly. It was about time he got a social life.

Wonwoo was surprisingly the one to blurt it out.

He was just sitting there when he said it, looking at the floor. 'Me and Mingyu are dating.'

The table froze, then Seungkwan jumped up in triumph. 'Yessss! Minghao, you owe me twenty bucks!'

He held out his hand as Minghao reluctantly handed him a crisp, fresh twenty-dollar note.

Wonwoo was outraged. 'You bet on us?!'

Mingyu simply looked upset he hadn't been included in the bet.

Seungkwan pulled his signature eye-roll, pocketing his winnings. 'Come on, hyung. It was obvious that you'd end up together. I bet that you guys would stop your little game of yours within six months, Minghao bet a year.'

Wonwoo sucked in a breath. 'Game?'

'Yeah, hyung. We all knew you guys were sucking face behind our back. I mean, you guys did it at my house! Of course I was going to see!'

Wait, was Jihoon the only one he didn't know before last Friday? He glared at Chan and Minghao, and them avoiding his gaze was all the answer he needed.

'You little buggers!' Jihoon commenced to grab Seungkwan in a stranglehold. Of course this was only a mock murder attempt, but the elbow he sent to his stomach certainly wasn't.

Yup, just a typical day in the life of Lee Jihoon and his fabulous friends (at least in Seungkwan's opinion) and their borderline psychotic antics.

Did you guys like it? I really need a plot for this story, 'cause I don't really have one do I? It's just fluff.

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