Chapter 12: An Unsettling Gaze

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Now guys, I want some honesty here. What could I improve on in my writing/story? I know I put in a lot of commas and maybe a little bit of run on sentences. Also, please tell me why you like this story (e.g. characters, writing style, etc.)

Jihoon didn't like being stared at. Unfortunately, everyone seemed intent on doing just that.

He and Wonwoo had been dropped off at their English class by Soonyoung, who was serving as a sort of carpool. He knew where all the classrooms were, so he was taking each of them to their respective classes. Chan had been first, since the first years were on the ground floor, while the three lucky second years, who happened to be in almost every single class together, were next on the first floor. That had left only the three third years to head up to the second floor.

And that was how Jihoon and Wonwoo had ended up standing at the front of a classroom, forced to be sitting ducks as the teacher introduced them. Thankfully, and also rather oddly, they weren't asked to introduce themselves to the class, instead the teacher simply directed them towards a pair of empty desks at the back of the classroom.

Now that Soonyoung had mentioned it, quite a few of the boys were looking at them in a way that was more than simply friendly. With Wonwoo, it didn't surprise him, because although Wonwoo wasn't the typical idea of "good-looking", he was attractive. What surprised him was the fact that most of those particular stares were directed towards himself.

Maybe it was just the gossip article Soonyoung and him had been caught up in. But this theory was contradicted the apparent thoughts behind the majority of the class' stares.

He and Wonwoo weren't the most outgoing of people, so for the whole lesson, they tried to focus on the activity they were set and not the glances that kept coming their way. They were successfully distracted when they spent fifteen minutes working on the pronunciation of "girl". Well, by working on it, what that really meant was that it was just fifteen minutes of Jihoon trying to get Wonwoo to say it right. God, sometimes he wondered a bit about his friends and how they could ever survive without him. He didn't particularly think that they could.

Soonyoung appeared almost as the bell rung, ready to show him to his homeroom, convincing him that the others had probably already figured out where it was. Jihoon wasn't so sure of this, but went along with it. They didn't have to worry about Wonwoo, their maths room was his homeroom. Just as well, 'cause they would've left him anyway.

Sometimes, Jihoon realised, he was a bit of a bad friend. But he didn't mind that much, he had a boyfriend to spend time with. A boyfriend that gave him sweet pecks on the cheek every time he got the chance. A boyfriend that was likely to get hit if he kept doing so in public. He could kiss him all he wanted once they were in private and not in the middle of a crowded corridor.

Yeah, he was probably a bit of a bad boyfriend too.

Realising this, he frowned. He didn't want to be a bad boyfriend, otherwise he'd end up without one for himself. Pity he didn't send these thoughts in his friends' direction.

So, when Soonyoung stopped in front of another of the generic, modern classrooms that lined the corridor, he did something unexpected, and hopefully something a good boyfriend would do.

Said unexpected thing was the simple action of suddenly tiptoeing upwards to plant a kiss on the lips of his startled boyfriend. 'Goodbye.'

Soonyoung was left there, dumbstruck at the shy boy's actions, yet definitely wanting more. But he'd forgotten to tell Jihoon something, something very important. Unfortunately, he had only realised this was the case when he was effectively trapped in his homeroom by his infamously strict teacher, the only one in the entire school that actually showed up to homeroom.

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