Chapter 11: Fresh Meat

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I think I may have overcrowded myself with characters so some of them might not show up all that often. Do I use commas too often? Also, I had a bunch of homework this weekend, some of it impossible to do because my teacher hasn't bloody taught us it yet! I hate Bio! Actually, I actually just don't like school in general...

Also, my pic for this chap, Jihoon with black hair... oh I really want them to do that again...

'Come on, Jihoon! Stop being a baby!'

'I am not being a baby!'

'It really seems like it right now! Get out of the damn car!'

Jihoon and Soonyoung were currently engaged in a battle to get Jihoon out of the car. The small boy was in his new uniform, Soonyoung's car parked outside of the school, and yet, he refused to vacate the car. The blonde boy had the car door open, and after a few tense moments, he had succeeded in unbuckling the smaller boy's seatbelt for him. He now had his foot propped up against the car door, using it as leverage as he tried to pull the unwavering boy out of the car.

Needless to say, they were causing quite the scene.

Soonyoung was desperate, he didn't want another gossip article with his name on it. 'Jihoon, please!'

The boy had his arms firmly folded. 'I don't wanna go to school.'

He really was being difficult. 'But we're already at school.'

'Not until I'm out of this car we're not.'

Soonyoung gave up. 'I'll do anything you say, just get out of the car.'

A slow, deadly smile spread across Jihoon's face. 'Anything?'

'Okay,' he said, happily jumping out of the car.

'Wait, he did not just-' Soonyoung realised, 'oh, he did.'

Dread began to form in the pit of his stomach as he was pulled by the thumb towards the school. 'You tricked me!'

Jihoon didn't seem the least bit concerned by this accusation. 'No, I really didn't want to go to school, but the chance to tell you to do anything I want any time I want was just such a tempting prospect.'

Soonyoung could feel the stares of the entire courtyard as he was being dragged along. 'So, in other words, you tricked me?'

'Exactly,' Jihoon was too caught up in his feelings to notice the stares, and Soonyoung wanted to keep that way.

He picked up his pace, resting an arm over the small boy's shoulder. 'You really do look good in that uniform.'

The other boy fondly leaned sideways to be closer to him. 'That's what you said yesterday, when you jumped me in the changing rooms.'

Soonyoung leaned into whisper in his ear. 'Want me to do it again? Because I know quite a few private places if you do.'

The boy's ears turned red. 'Maybe later.'

They were halfway through the hallway when Jihoon finally noticed all the stares he was getting. Along with the very expensive building he was in.

He was quite tempted to bury himself in Soonyoung's arm, embarrassed. 'They're all staring at me.'

Once again, the taller boy whispered in his ear. 'It's 'cause you're gorgeous.'

Jihoon was already blushing when he said even quieter, 'But it shouldn't matter to them, because you're mine.'

Jihoon was then reduced to a red, shivering mess, holding onto Soonyoung's blazer for dear life. 'Y-you don't have to s-say that in the middle of the h-hallway.'

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