chapter two

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  • Dedicated to martyn littlewood

It looks like rain - I need shelter. I think to myself as I walk through a large forest.

I spot a light coming from the left and carefully head towards it; I need to be cautious because people here hate Endermen. I would never know how they'd react to me. I jump on a tree and start to walk closer to the light. When I get close enough to see anything I see a dark green tent, two wooden shacks of obvious unimportance, and a boy in a green shirt caring to some plants. I come closer and see another boy in a black hoodie lying in the tent holding a sapphire sword. I also notice the first boy has a sword, this one made of emerald. I jump down onto a lower branch of the tree, with a relatively hard impact. The boy in green flinches and turns to the tree I'm standing on. I panic and teleport,right into the tent. Crap. I quietly walk out and see the other boy with his hand on the trunk of the tree I was on, he seems to be talking to it. I edge to the opposite side of the camp and try to look as if I just got here.

"Hi!" I say in a cheerful tone. The boy turns to me with a strange look on his face. He gasps a little and takes his sword out. "STOP!" I put my hands in the surrender position.

The boy looks at me still, with his sword out and says "Who are you, what are you doing here, and how come you look like an Enderman?"

I reply simply; "I'm Faeron, I'm here because it looks like it's going to rain, and I look like an Enderman because I am an Endergirl."

He lowers his weapon and says, still looking strange, "OK, what's an Endergirl?"

"That's not very nice!" I say, "An Endergirl is like an Enderman but female."

He looked confused now and not strange. "How come I can look you in the eyes and you aren't trying to kill me, then?" he says.

"Because the Endermen you see around here are ones that have been enslaved by the enderdragon." I say simply.

"What do you mean 'enslaved'?" he says, softly. I sigh and tell him.

"Endermen don't really look like what you see here. They look like normal people with black or grey skin and pink or purple hair. When the Enderdragon came she enslaved all the Endermen and killed my parents."

He looks at me with a bit of sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry." he says. "But why did the Enderdragon kill your parents and not you? Come to think of it, why did the Enderdragon kill your parents at all if it enslaved the Endermen?"

I look down. "My parents were the king and queen." I say quietly. He gasps loudly and the boy in the hoodie wakes up. The boy in the hoodie looks at me and the first boy explains. By the time he's finished the boy in the hoodie looks as sad as I feel. But then perks up a bit, gets out of the tent, and bows.

"Welcome to our camp, princess of the End!" he says, then he looks up and grins. I smile a bit and the first boy smiles too.

"I'm Martyn, this is Toby." the first boy says. Then he flinches like he did earlier and walks away. I follow him, unsure why he flinched and then I see a tree that had a large hole in it, and Martyn with his hand on it, looking strange again.

When he stops looking strange I say, "Why do you keep flinching and looking strange?"

He smiles a bit. "I'm connected to the forest." he says, "Whenever a plant or tree feels pain I feel it too."

I look at him, mystified, then snap out of it. "Cool!" I say. "So you're some kind of forest spirit?"

He grins and nods. "Only Toby and a few other people know that." he says. Then his smile turns to a questioning look, "Wait - If your kingdom is enslaved, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home trying to do something?"

I lose my smile and turn serious. "No." I say. "I need to be here because there is someone on this planet who can help. I'm not powerful enough to kill the Enderdragon on my own and there is someone in Minecraftia who has the power and the skill to do it."

His look turns serious. "Who?" he says.

Well, if I told him that much I might as well tell him everything. I think to my self. I take a deap breath and hope he knows who I'm talking about.

"The Enderborn". I say.

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