chapter Three

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(A/N just a little bit of info, this is based before Blackrock exploded, just so I can use Blackrock :D)

Martyn frowned. "Enderborn?" he says, "The only person around here with anything much to do with Endermen is Rythian. He lives a little while away, in a basalt castle. he lives with a mushroom fanatic called Zoey," he smiles. "I like her. She's one of the people who knows I'm a forest spirit."

I smile too. He just helped me a LOT. "Thank you!" I say, "Now that I know that, it will be a lot easier to find him!" I give him a hug. "Goodbye for now, see you again some time!" I say, and say bye to Toby for me, too!"

Then I walk off in the direction he said. The forest starts getting clearer and I walk into a large clearing surrounded by a basalt fence. Funny, I think to myself, Martyn didn't mention anything like this. I teleport past the fence and see a massive factory made out of marble and stone brick. It has a red bearded face on the front that has a helmet, and big red lettering on it saying "Honeydew, Inc." Nearby are three buildings, mostly identical but each with a symbol on top. A hot dog; a mug of black stuff; and what looks like a cup of coffee. The one with the coffee cup has an extension and I walk over to the opposite end of it. There is a door with a sign next to it saying "Honeydew Inc., Dormitory one."

I walk inside and see three beds with people in them. The biggest bed had a dwarf in it, similar to the picture on the front of the building; red hair and beard, metal helmet with horns, except he has chocolate smeared across his mouth. Another bed has a man in it with a red coat. He has a white and baby blue striped shirt and *gulp* a diamond sword sheath on his back. The last bed has a young blonde man with goggles on his head. He's wearing a lab coat and rubber boots and has a test tube in his pocket. I walk out and close the door, I notice it has nothing to let them see me so I knock the door and stand back. i hear a grunt and someone say,

"A customer? At this hour?!? Lewis open the door please." The door slowly opens and the man with a goatee is standing in the doorway. He gasps and unsheathes his sword. For the second time that night I put my hands in the surrender position. When he sees me surrender he lowers his sword a bit and calls out "Simon! Du- DUNCAN WAKE UP!" I hear a sleepy voice say "What?" and the man with the goatee says "It isn't a customer, I think she's an Enderman." I hear two gasps and the scientist and the dwarf rush to the door.

"Enderman?" the dwarf says, "But it's a she! Duncan, is she one of your experiments?"

I frown and sternly say, "OI! I'm not anyone's experiment! My name is Princess Faeron! Yes, I'm from the End, but the Endermen you see are only shells of people similar to humans. Real Endermen look like humans but with black or grey skin and pink or purple hair."

The man with the goatee gasps and the dwarf and the scientist just look confused. Then the man with the goatee says, "Princess? That means there's a king and queen! I heard Rythian-" (the scientist flinches a bit when he says that) "-mention a queen of the End, but I thought he was just talking about the Enderdragon." I sigh a bit and explain every detail I feel the need to tell him. When I get to the bit about my parents the dwarf starts crying and the man with the goatee puts his hand on my shoulder. "You poor girl," he says. "I'm Lewis. The dwarf is Simon and the scientist is Duncan. Now, you're probably looking for something otherwise you would be in the End. Why are you here in Minecraftia?"

"I'm looking for the Enderborn." I say. "I met Martyn and Toby a little while ago and he said to head this way but he didn't mention anything about 'Honeydew, Inc.'"

Lewis smiles. "I bet you're looking for Rythian." he says. "Duncan can show you where he lives!"

Duncan backs off. "Nuh-uh! No way!" he says. "You know he hates me for putting that nuke under his base!"

"WHAT?" I say.

Duncan backs off even more. "I had to! He wanted to kill me before because me and Sjin had a war that kinda... ruined his house and blew up the old world." he mumbled.

"How did you blow up the world?" I ask.

"Well you see," he says, "somehow we all got knocked out after Sjin blew up my nuclear reactor and we woke up here. We decided to make the best of it but Rythian was angry because he was super powerful before. He is even more powerful now and I think he was trying to make good terms with me when I trapped him in a force field on my lawn."

He mumbles the last bit and I roll my eyes. "Do you have a map?" I ask. Lewis hands me a map and I see a black square. "That must be it. And there is Martyn and Toby's forest. And here's here." I say. "What's the other bit?"

"Oh, that's Sips_, Co." he says. "Sips and Sjin live there. Its on the way to Rythian and Zoey and Tee's place. If you want to meet them its morning now so they ought to be up."

I nod and give everyone a hug. "Thanks for not killing me." I say in a playful voice. Simon, Lewis and Duncan all smile and say, "Bye Faeron!

Well, off to see Sips and Sjin, I guess.

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