chapter four

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I start walking to Sips, Co. I know I can teleport but I prefer not to if I can help it. After about five minutes of walking I spot a very tall tower in the distance. I start to speed up so I can make it soon and I eventually make it to a large entrance leading into a rather large compound with a massive skyscraper. I sigh. It reminds me of the buildings back home. I look at the building for a little while then turn towards what looks like a sorting facility. I walk towards it and see a man in a blue and white space suit rummaging through a large chest. I tap him on the shoulder.

"HI!" I say. He jumps and turns around, and when he sees me he yells.


A man in a similar spacesuit and a beard walks out of the skyscraper and when he sees me he yells too. "SIPS!" he says, "WHO OR WHAT IS THAT?"

I give a friendly smile and wave. "Hello!" I say, "My name is Faeron. I assume you two are Sips and Sjin?"

"Yes," says the one who must be Sjin. "I'm Sjin and that's Sips. How do you know who we are?"

I smirk and say, "For one it is pretty obvious since you just yelled each other's names, and two I came from Honeydew Inc. They say that to get to Rythian's place I need to pass through here and I thought I might as well make some more friends!"

Sips smiles and says, "Well nice to meet you in that case, you already know I'm Sips and this is my dirt factory. Sjin does a lot of technical stuff that I can't figure out and he does the architecture seeing as he is a master at that sort of thing."

Sjin looks at me suspiciously. "You mentioned Rythian," he says.

I don't entirely trust him so I say, "Yes. He has something I need very much."

Sjin looks at me with an even more suspicious expression. "Are you his friend?" he says, "Because if you are you might not want to be around me. I kidnapped Teep once and he hasn't trusted me AT ALL since."

I frown at him. "Hmm... well you seemed a bit scared of me before I introduced myself." I say. "Care to explain?"

"Well... you see... you look a lot like an Enderman." Sips says.

"Oh don't worry about that," I say. "That's because I am one. Princess Faeron of the Ender palace, at your service." I give a little bow.

Sips gasps and a slightly evil look passes over Sjin's face for a second before turning to a smile. "Oh, so I see we have royalty in out midst!" he says.

I smile. "Thanks!" I look at sips who looks a bit scared, "Don't worry. Look into my eyes and you will see, I'm not like the Endermen you normally see."

Sips looks into my eyes and starts to calm down. "OK, you aren't a normal Enderman." he says. "So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home? You look about old enough to be crowned."

I smirk and say, "Yes but like I said: I need something from Rythian."

Sips gives me a tour of the facility and Sjin explains everything Sips can't. soon the sun sets and Sjin goes to bed. Sips stays awake to say goodbye. He even kisses my hand! I wouldn't mind if it wasn't one of those sloppy kisses, and being from the End it stings a little. I say goodbye and start to walk off in the direction of Rythian's home when suddenly I get whacked in the head.


I wake up feeling dizzy; my head is spinning and I can just about make out two other figures in the same room as me. I try to teleport, but I can't. My head slowly stops spinning and I notice I'm in a large cell. I look at my hands and see bracelets made out of some material I can't quite put my finger on. Literally. I look around and see the other two figures. One is a girl wearing farmer attire, and the other is a... pig? I edge closer and the girl looks at me. The pig is munching on a carrot so doesn't notice me. When it does it looks at me with some of the biggest eyes I have ever seen. I let out a small aww and the girl says,

"Cute, isn't she? She's called Emily." I look at Emily again and put my hand on her back and stroke her. She oinks and looks at me again.

"That feels nice, keep doing it!" she says enthusiastically. I raise my eyebrows and look at the farmer girl. she looks at me with a grin,

"She likes you!" she says. "I'm Isobel - Bella for short. You?"

"My name is Faeron." I say quietly.

"Faeron." she repeats. "Nice name!"

"Thanks!" I say happily. "Where are we?"

The girl looks at me a bit sad, "Well. Sjin is the one keeping us here." she says sadly. "Emily is here because she can talk and Sjin wants to know why. Also he wants her as a pet. I'm here because Emily doesn't like Sjin and won't speak for him. I'm Emily's owner. Why are you here?"

My face drops. "I must be here because I'm from the End. All the ender beings in this world except the Enderborn are vile hostile shells of a being. I'm the first fully Ender being to come here in eleven years." I say. She gasps and looks in her pocket. After a few seconds she pulls out a small piece of paper and passes it to me. I look at it and see a list.

1; feeding. 2; experimentation on the new subject. 3; trying to get the pig to talk.

I look at it, horrified.

"He- he's going to, e-experiment on me?" I gulp. She nods slowly and a silver tear falls down my cheek. She puts a hand on my back.

"There there. We can get you out before he takes you. If you're from the end surely you can teleport?" she asks hopefully.

"Yes, and no." I say. "I can usually teleport but I tried to do so right after I regained consciousness and it didn't work. I think it has something to do with these." I point at the bracelets. She looks at the bracelets and takes a small pouch off the belt she's wearing. She looks inside and grins.

"Don't worry, you are getting out of here!" she says quietly, and she takes out some hedge clippers and a "Void Ring." She carefully sets the hedge clippers so that they will cut the bracelets and *snap* the bracelets are off.

"What's the Void Ring for then?" I ask.

She smiles a bit. "So I can come with you." she says simply.

I giggle and say, "Don't worry, I can teleport small groups, not just myself."

She grins. "Really?" she says, "In that case let's go now!"

I shush her. "Shh! Someone's coming!" She quickly stows away everything suspicious and I hide my hands behind my back just before Sjin comes in wearing hideous black and green armour that makes him look a bit like a melon (A/N I couldn't resist that bit) he grins evilly.

"Hello Isobel, Emily, Faeron, breakfast time! Faeron, in an hour you will be coming with me." I nod grimly and he gives Emily some carrots, Isobel a baked potato, and he gives me some steak, and a glass of water which I quickly give to Isobel and ask her to please not spill it. Sjin grins and walks away.

We quickly eat everything (except Emily who puts the remaining carrots in Isobel's bag) and I ask Isobel to take my hand. "Emily, I need your trotter." I say. Emily obliges and holds out her trotter while I hold Isobel's hand. I focus on the area outside Sips, Co. and we teleport in a swirl of purple particles right in front of Sips, Co. Emily, Isobel and I look at each other then Isobel picks Emily up and runs towards the ocean. I look at the map which I fortunately still have and see that the only way to Rythian's home is past the ocean. I think about teleporting but I know I can't teleport that far. Not with passengers. I sigh and look for a tree. I see one and get the wood and make a large boat that is just big enough to fit me and Isobel with enough space left for Emily. We push off and sail away towards Rythian's home. A few minutes in I tell her my story. Why I'm here, what happened 11 years ago, everything. She smiles a bit through the whole thing and when I'm done she says

"Don't worry. Emily and I will help you now."


please leave a comment if you liked the chapter! i'm really proud of myself but the only people who have told me what they think are my family and only a few of them will actually come clean if they don't like it. once again please leave a comment and also please tell me if you like the pig! my sister is called emily and she is so obsessed with pigs she has a pig skin with big eyes. bye!

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