chapter seven

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(A/N oh my fudging god I have writers block and yet I'm still writing? I must be crazy)

I knew it. The way his eyes widened when I said it. HE is the enderborn. I try to look casual though and pretend I didn't notice.

"So..." he says. "Why do you need to find the enderborn?"

"Well," I say, "I don't have the strength or the skill to defeat the Enderdragon. Not on my own, especially. When I was little I heard my parents talk about an Enderman who had fallen in love with a human woman and they had a child. The child was half human and half Enderman, so it had different skills and reflexes to both Endermen and humans. The child was believed to be the most powerful mortal alive and was given heavy protection by most people who believed. Apparently he was about four when his mother decided to bring him back to the overworld, where it belonged, and they never really came back. A few Endermen haven't changed yet and I got a lot of missing pieces off them, it made it easier to picture it, I think the child was a boy too."

The man looks at me while I talk and with every word his eyes change a bit. I finish talking and he looks away, he turns and goes through another door quite close where I can see a bit of blue. I hear him saying something but its a bit quiet and he comes back he's with a nice-looking woman with flame red hair, bright blue eyes, and a rather cool getup.

"I never introduced myself." the man says, "My name is Rythian and this is Zoey, Tee is still in his watchtower. Welcome to Blackrock."

I smile a bit while Zoey looks at me, Rythian just walks out. "Hi!" Zoey says, "Rythian didn't say much about you, just the fact that we have a guest for a little while. You mind if I ask a few questions?"

"Ask away!" I say. She seems trustworthy enough.

"Well," Zoey starts, "first of all what is your name?"

Glad that she didn't ask multiple questions at once I say, "My name is Princess Faeron."

Her eyes light up a bit and she says, "Princess? Really? Where are you princess of?"

I smile. "I'm princess of the End."

She looks a bit confused, "End? Does that mean you're and Enderman? No wait, you're a girl, that means you're an ender girl! Does Rythian know? He really hates Endermen, so he probably wouldn't let any in here without a good explanation."

"Yes, Rythian knows," I say, "It was raining last night and I screamed because I couldn't get out of it. I think I woke Rythian up because he brought me inside after I blacked out, a little while ago I woke up and he started asking questions. Also, I think he's the one I'm looking for as well."

She looks confused again. "What do you mean 'he's the one you're looking for'?"

"You see," I say, "I'm looking for someone who lives in Minecraftia who can help me with a big problem back home. Eleven years ago a demi god created a dragon who enslaved the Endermen and killed my parents, but someone titled the Enderborn is the person who can help. I think Rythian is the enderborn, the way he reacted when I said I was looking for him. He actually said he hasn't heard the name for a long time and there is just something about him that just screams it."

Zoey looks fascinated as I talk and when I finish she says, "How can Rythian be the Enderborn?"

"The Enderborn was a child with a human and an Enderman for its parents," I say, "according to rumour he looked like a normal human with glowing purple eyes and patches of black skin."

"Never mind." Zoey says, "Lets just get you to know everyone!"

Just then Rythian comes back, accompanied by a dinosaur wearing a headband.


A/N oh my god i am so sorry i had writers block and this was a pain to write because i wanted to explain my point of view for the enderborn situation a bit more but i also wanted to introduce Zoey.

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