chapter six

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We run aground on a much larger island and get out of the boat. We're still slightly surrounded by water so I teleport straight onto the land and help Isobel get out of the boat with Emily.

"So Rythian's home should be somewhere around here?" Isobel says.

"Yes," I say, "but it's still night time so maybe we should think about shelter."

We look around and find a small cave, just big enough for the three of us.

"So, you want to sleep while I watch?" I say.

"Yes please," says Isobel. "but won't you get tired?"

"Not really," I say, "I'm able to go ages without sleep. And besides: I sorta fell asleep in the boat for a few minutes." She nods and goes to sleep, Hmm. I think. No monsters tonight. I walk outside, sit down on the ground and look around. I hear a noise and look around, all I see is a few trees. I look up and see some cloud, *sigh* Thank goodness, no monsters. the best I can do if monsters turn up is teleport Isobel and Emily away. Then my head starts stinging and I look up again. Those clouds are rain clouds!

It starts raining. I try to teleport into the cave but I teleport further away. Goddamnit! Rain messes up the part of my mind I need to teleport! I curl over to protect my face and start getting soaked. It hurts so much I let out a scream that must have woken someone up because I hear rustling. I close my eyes and try to protect as much of my body from the water as possible. The last thing I feel before blacking out is a pair of hands picking me up.

Rythian's POV (A/N Yeah, I'm doing a point-of-view change! POV CHANGE FTW!)

It's been a long day. I'm just starting to fall asleep when I hear a horrible scream. I look out the window and see that it's raining. Heavily. Zoey is still asleep despite the scream, so I guess I'm investigating on my own. I head out the door, using a spell to shield me from the rain and head in the direction of the noise. I see a figure wearing purple curled up on the ground behind the mountain. I head in its direction and notice some very familiar particles floating around it; Ender particles. I quietly unsheathe Enderbane and head around the figure - ignoring the stinging from Enderbane - to get a better look at it. I see a girl with black skin and pink hair with purple highlights. Her hair is soaked and she has her eyes closed tightly. she doesn't seem like a normal Enderman, and she seems familiar. She doesn't seem dangerous so I pick her up and carry her back to Blackrock to be healed, and so she can tell me who she is, what she's doing here, and why she looks like an Enderman.

Back to Faeron's POV (A/N that was so you knew it wasn't Sjin picking Faeron up)

I wake up with a slight headache, but not wet. Strange. Wait, where are Isobel and Emily? I look around and see I'm in a small room with a few basic things. I see a crafting table and some bookshelves, I also notice I'm in a bed. Why am I here? My memory is slightly fuzzy but I remember being picked up before completely blacking out. The room is made of black stone and the floor is made of marble. A man walks in, he's wearing a black cape with and a mask and he has... Ender-purple eyes!

"So, you're awake." he says.

"Yes," I say. "Why am I here? Were you the person who picked me up before I blacked out? Because that's the last thing I remember.

"Yes. I heard a loud scream and went outside to investigate. Past the mountain next to Tee's tower I saw you curled up on the ground. Who are you? And what are you doing here?" he says.

"I'm princess Faeron. I'm here because I was looking for someone."

He doesn't ask who but instead says; "OK then, why do you look like an Enderman?"

I then notice two sheaths at his hip. A Red Katar, and a blade that seems like iron but gives off a slightly painful aura. I gulp. "Well..." I say, "I look like an Enderman because... I am an Enderman."

He looks scornful when I say it and slowly unsheathes his strange sword, flinching when he touches it. I yelp and back up a bit in the bed, which I am still in. He stops and looks at me again. You said your name was Princess Faeron," he says.

I nod slowly with my eyes on the sword in his hand. "My name is Princess Faeron of the Ender Palace." I say, "I haven't been called that for nearly eleven years though. My people were enslaved when I was seven and I've been looking for someone who can help."

His eyes narrow. "Who?" he says.

I gulp. "The... the Enderborn."

His eyes widen a bit when I say it and he puts his sword back in the sheath. "Enderborn," he repeats. "Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time."

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