chapter five

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I look at the map while Isobel rows. There is a small ocean area before Rythian's home and a small island quite close with a brown square.

"Hey, Isobel!" I say, "There's an island quite close with a house on it, and it's night time. Maybe we can land there?"

"Okay!" Isobel says, "Maybe they have something to drink. We have Emily's carrots but no water except salt water and I'm a bit thirsty."

We sail up to the island and see a small wooden building on it. We go round the front and see a large sign on the front over the door with CC on it.

"Come on," I say. "It seems to be a business so they probably will have something for you to drink."

We get out of the boat and head inside. We see seats and a counter so Isobel sits down and feeds Emily a carrot.

"Hello?" I call, "Anyone in here? Hello!"

A tired voice says, "Are you a customer?" A man in a kilt walks up from a staircase behind the counter. "Hi!" says the man, "I'm Ravs. Welcome to the Crooked Caber pub!"

"Pub?" I say, "Well I guess you do have something for my friend to drink. She's feeling a bit thirsty."

Ravs looks happy. "If you're thirsty then I have plenty of things to drink!" he says. "We have coffee for the non-drinkers and whiskey and Zero for people who do drink."

I look at Isobel. "Coffee or Zero?" I say. "Whiskey doesn't seem like your type of drink."

She nods and says, "Zero, please. I've had that before and it's really nice for alcohol which I normally only drink in champagne form."

Ravs nods and says, "Zero it is! Want to start a tab or pay right away?"

I hand him a large diamond since I'm quite good at finding them so I never need to worry about money, and he goes down the stairs and comes up with two cups of Zero. I pass one to Isobel and take a sip of the other one.

"So," Ravs says, "where are you headed? And also, you look like an Enderman. You remind me of my best customer a bit."

I smile and tell him. "My name is princess Faeron. I am an Enderman. Your best customer must be Rythian? I'm looking for him."

He looks me in the eyes and says, "If you're an Enderman how come you're not going crazy town banana pants on me now?"

I giggle. "Because the Endermen who do that are enslaved by an evil being called the Enderdragon. Which is why I'm here and not at home."

He smiles and looks at Isobel, and Emily who is licking up a bit of spilt Zero and looking a little bit tipsy. "Who's your friend?" he says.

"She's Isobel and that pig is Emily." I say. "Emily can you come here?"

Emily trots over and says, "What?"

Ravs jumps. "A talking pig?" he spits.

Isobel looks up sharply, "Oh, Emily!" she says, "You're drunk, aren't you!?"

Emily oinks and says, "Yes... but only a bit! I talked because Ravs seems nice and I trust him enough to know he won't go crazy at hearing me."

Ravs looks from Emily to Isobel, bemused, then laughs. "A talking pig." he says, "Well, I guess that's no weirder than rebel mushrooms. You said you're looking for Rythian? Is he in trouble?"

"No," I say. "but I need his help."

Isobel finishes her drink and I give Ravs another diamond, "What's this one for?" he says, bemused again.

"Because I needed someone to have a friendly chat with," I say, "and the introductions to most of the people I've met recently have been a bit rushed because twice I had a sword pointing at me, once the people I was talking to were staring at me, and when I met Isobel and Emily I was being held captive by an evil maniac who wanted to experiment on me. I needed a proper chat. Can you point me in the direction of Rythian's home?" Ravs points and waves us off as we sail in the direction he pointed in.

We're getting closer to Rythian, and closer to freeing my people!


Sowwy if it was a short chapter, but that's because I wanted to put the meeting in the next chapter as I have something very interesting planned. SEE YA IN A BIT!

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