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Julianne's POV:

I grinned up at Brantley as the FedEx guy hauled ass. I giggled and he chuckled as we headed inside the house. "Feed me woman. I'm starving." He tumbled and patted his stomach. "Seriously? You're hungry? Now??" I said exasperatedly. Up until recently, Brantley had been dating someone. So it had been way too long since I had this man all to myself, and I was dying for my fix. He nodded and headed towards the kitchen. "What's the rush blue eyes?" He grinned cockily. I huffed and stomped ahead of him to fix him a sandwich. Brantley day at the bar and scarfed it down, so maybe he was hungry after all. He stood and went to fix another sandwich, but I jumped up from my spot to fix t for him. "Sit, I've got it." I insisted. He dropped into his seat. I took a good look at him, and then I felt terrible. He was dead on his feet. Brantley was exhausted, and I was being selfish. "When's the last time you ate a home cooked meal B?" I asked him. He shrugged. "It's been a while. Take out just dosent hold me over, and I've been on the road mostly." He tumbled, leaning back and locking his hands together behind his head. I shook my head. "When you gonna settle down and find a nice girl to take care of you?" I asked him softly. "When you gonna make an honest man out of me and move to Georgia?" He countered. "Ha.. Ha.. Very funny." I stuck my tongue out at him and turned my back. I didn't want him to see the hurt. I know he was only kidding, but if he were serious, I'd move down in a heartbeat. I love that man something fierce. Brantley's not the settling down type, I know that. So I take what I can get. I handed him his sandwich and sat down at the table next to him. He tugged my chair closer and kissed my forehead between bites. "I missed you Jules." He rumbled softly. "I missed you too B." I replied and tried to pretend that my heart wasn't breaking.

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