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Julianne's POV:

"I'm fine. Really." I repeated for the millionth time tonight. Several of my girlfriends had come over in hopes to cheer me up. They poured me a glass of wine, took over my house, and were planning to set me up with someone. Truth was, I'm not fine. Far from it. "Not yet, but you will be! He's here!" My friend Sarah exclaimed. "Who's here?" I asked. "That guy I was telling you about, Jeff. I texted him your a dress and told him to come over." She grinned. "Why?" I asked bluntly. "Bc, the best way to get over one man, is to get under another!" Another friend chirped. "What kind of skanky crap is that? No. Tell him to leave. I don't want him here." I insisted. "Too late!" Abby giggled guiding the guy into the kitchen with us. Great. Just stinking great. I could already tell he was a yuppie. He wore a suit, shiny shoes, and he wore more hair product than I did. So not my type. He looked as fake as a three dollar bill. "Hello, pleasure to meet you, my name is Jeffrey." He stuck out his hand. "Hey." I dead panned.

This continued throughout the night. Jeff continued to make my skin crawl, and the girls steadily pushed us closer together. I wanted everyone out of my house. Then all of a sudden I heard the front door slam open. I was too numb to care. I didn't even look up. But that voice. When I heard that voice, hope flared for the first time in weeks. "Who the hell are you, boy?" He growled. I looked up and my eyes locked on Brantley. He looked furious. And wonderful. He was glaring at Jeff who stood protectively in front of me. "I'm Julianne's date this evening. And who might you be?" He responded. Bad move buster. "Seriously?" Brantley smirked at the girls then turned back to Jeff. "Get the fuck out." He growled dangerously. Jeff froze. "I'm sorry, did I stutter?" Brantley rumbled, pulling his pistol from his waistband and holding it loosely in his hand. I grinned. I loved when he went all caveman. Jeff took off like a shit. "Hey there blue eyes." He grinned that devilish smile and I melted. "Hey yourself outlaw..."

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