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Brantley's POV:

I wasn't quite sure what went down in the kitchen, but I knew Jules wasn't looking for a booty call anymore. We headed into the living room to watch tv, and she had my lay down on my stomach on the floor. "Let me rub your back. Just relax." She'd told me. So I did as she asked and Jules rubbed the tension out of my back and shoulders. By the time she was done, I felt about 30 pounds lighter. When we moved to the couch, I sat and she pulled off my boots, then snuggled into my side. "You alright blue eyes? You're awful quiet." I nudged her to get her attention. She nodded. "I'm fine." She said, I could see a sadness lurking in her eyes, but I didn't push her. Just snuggled her in close.

When we woke up the next morning, still snuggled on the couch, last night's awkwardness was gone. Jules wiggled out of my arm, and headed to the kitchen to start breakfast. After we ate and cleaned up, I started grabbing my things. "Oh.. You're leaving." Julianne said sadly. "Only for a little while darlin. I promised Jason we'd go hit a mud hole while I was in town." I explained. She nodded sadly. "We'll be back in an hour. Be ready." I winked. "Wait, I'm going too?" She smiled brightly. "Of course silly girl. You didn't think I'd just leave ya did you? You know you're my best girl. I can't go muddin without my little buddy." I grinned at her. She smiled but it fell flat. "Buddy.. Right. I'll be ready." She said. I hugged her and kissed her quickly before heading out.

Jason and I pulled up in Jules's driveway and I honked the horn. She came jogging out with a bright smile. "Quit honking at me! I know you're there Brantley Kieth, I heard you coming from a mile away!" She giggled. "Then get your little ass on in the truck honey." I laughed. Whatever went down between last night and this morning was behind us. We hit our groove again. "What's up girl?" Jason said as Jules leaned into the driver's side window to kiss my cheek. "Hey Aldean! And you hush Outlaw, I'm in. See?" She griped as she climbed into the backseat. We took off for the mud hole with the radio blasting. The three of us singing along to Hank Jr as we sped along all the back roads. Tires barking and gravel flying.

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