Chapter 2

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(A/N) Two chapter in a day because yes

Sometimes you used to wonder what it was like to have a real family... One that loved each other, loved you. Of course, those thoughts were always pushed away by some optimistic bullshit that said that your family did love you. Now that they left you, though, you could see the truth. They never loved you. They never wanted you. And you were fine with that... because you didn't want to be here either.

"Y/N?" Asriel asked as he sat on your shoulders. You shook your head to clear your thoughts. You were still standing in front of the door to the Ruins. "Oh, um, sorry. I spaced out. How do we open the door, Asriel?" Before Asriel could answer, the door opened itself. As soon as the door opened, a woman came out of it. The woman froze as she looked at the both of you. This woman was wearing a purple and white dress with a strange pattern on it. Her fur was a soft white, like Asriel's. And like Asriel, she was also a goat monster.

"A-Asriel?" Her voice was full of so many emotions. Hope. Fear. Worry. Happiness. Confusion. And so much more. "Mom?" Asriel's voice shook, and you imagined him to have tears in his eyes. Carefully, you lowered Asriel off of your shoulders and onto the ground. As soon as his little feet touched the ground, they ran forward into the arms of the goat woman. They hugged each other tightly, both of them crying. You stood awkwardly to the side, unsure of what to do.

After a few minutes, the goat woman and Asriel seemed to remember you were there. The woman stood, a large smile on her face. "Thank you so, so much for bringing my son back to me..." You looked at her with a small smile. "I didn't really do anything... Miss?" The woman held out her hand and you shook it. "I am Toriel, my dear child. And you are?" You smiled at her wider. "I'm Y/N." The woman then led the both of you to her house, which Asriel seemed to not recognize.

As soon as the three of you got inside the house, Toriel turned to you and Asriel. "How did you... bring him back?" Toriel's voice sounded as though she didn't really want to hear the answer. You knew that she wouldn't. "I didn't..." You said in a soft voice. "When I fell, Asriel was waiting for me." Toriel nodded and looked towards Asriel.

"Do you remember what brought you back?" Asriel smiled and nodded. "Yeah." You both looked at Asriel patiently, waiting for him to tell you. "It was her." Asriel pointed to you. Your eyes widened. "W-What?" Toriel looked at you. "But I didn't..." Asriel smiled and took your hand in his. "When the soul of someone truly kind from the bottom of their heart fell, I appeared back from the brink of death. The dark side of your mind wouldn't shut up now... 'Someone truly kind?' It said with a sneer. 'You've never once been kind...'

"B-But I..." Toriel laughed and smiled. "Then you did bring my son back." You smiled, but it was definitely forced. However, you had enough practice now to make your smile look real. "I'm, uh, happy to have been of service." Toriel walked over to you and hugged you gently, completely catching you off guard. "Thank you." She whispered. You froze, unsure of what to do in this situation. When was the last time you had gotten a real, genuine, hug? Eventually, you hugged Toriel back with a real smile on your face.

As Toriel let go of you, you couldn't help but feel a little disappointment. You wanted to stay in the arms of the kind and loving goat-woman forever. Toriel smiled at both you and Asriel. "Now... who want's some butterscotch and cinnamon pie?" Now, don't get me wrong, you didn't have much of a liking for pie in the past... but Toriel's pie was probably one of the most delicious and heart-warming things you had ever tasted. You found yourself wising you could live with Toriel and Asriel forever. 'You don't deserve that, though.' The voice whispered venomously. 'They don't deserve the fate of having to be stuck with you...' You sighed. The dark part of your mind was right. You couldn't stay here.

After getting sleep in the children's bedroom in Toriel's house, you decided to head off. Toriel had showed you a door the day before. This door would take you to the rest of the underground. You did have a small talk with Toriel, who insisted now that you called her mother, and you both decided it would be best if you got moving. Toriel was very worried for your safety, warning you that monsters in the underground were unaccustomed to seeing humans and might attack you, but you assured her you wouldn't fight back and instead act until you could spare them.

Toriel told you of her ex husband's castle, and his want for a seventh human soul. You were to go to the castle and explain to him that if you both worked together, you could find a way to break the barrier without killing you or another human being. Toriel was scared to see you leave, as previously mentioned. She didn't want to see you leave and never return again, but you and Asriel had convinced her it was for the best. You were going to set things right.

Now, here you were, standing in front of the door that led to the rest of the underground. Your heart beat faster as you took one step towards it. The another. You carried a purple backpack on your shoulders, the backpack full of spider donuts, butterscotch cinnamon pie, spider cider, monster candy, and a few changes of clothes. You were ready. With a deep breath, you opened the door to the rest of the underground.

As soon as you stepped out of the Ruins, the freezing air nipped at your clothes. (See end of chapter for clothing link) You were not prepared for the freezing snowy landscape before you, and that fact was very apparent. As you walked down the snow pathway, you found yourself gazing at what looked to be a gate on top of a bridge, but as soon as you step towards the bridge, you hear a deep voice.

"Don't you know how to greet a new pal?"


(Word count: 1,090)

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