Chapter 5

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It was after you had gotten downstairs and sat next to Papyrus on the couch that you realized that the voice in your head had been quiet for awhile. But as soon as you realized it, it appeared again. 'Hey. Did you miss me, fatty? Hahaha. I'm just kidding... after all, you barely have any skin on your bony ass. Maybe you do fit in more with the monsters than the humans. At least you can pass for a skeleton down here, and no one would care.' A tear rolled down your face, and you quickly wiped it away so Papyrus wouldn't notice.

After awhile of telling the dark side of your mind to shut the fuck up, you realized you were being watched. Cautiously, you looked towards the stairs, catching the eye of a certain short skeleton. You smiled at him brightly and waved, then turned your attention to the television set, seeing the robot star, Mettaton, on the screen. Pap looked immediately captivated on the TV show as Mettaton spoke. You smiled to yourself, thinking of how nice it was that Pap actually like liked someone.

You felt the spot on the right of you sink a little bit. Turning your head, you glanced at Sans. "Oh, hey... do you come here often?" Sans rolled the small white pinpricks in his eyes at your words. "Yeah, actually. I come here a skele-ton." He winked at you and you giggled slightly. But in all honesty, you didn't really want to laugh. Quickly, as soon as MTT-TV was over, you ran to the door. "I've got to go buy some bisicles and cinnamon buns, and then I have to keep moving. I'll see you two later."

Papyrus got up from his spot and hugged you. "I WILL SEE YOU LATER, HUMAN. DO NOT DIE!" You nodded at his words and laughed. "I'll try my hardest, Pap." Sans moved over to you and hugged you, surprising you. "Um..." Sans grinned wider and leaned his head towards your ear. "Thanks for being so nice to my brother." He whispered. "It really means a lot to know that he has you as a friend." You face heats up and you smile. "It's no problem, Sans. I'll always be here for both you and Papyrus." 'Always?' The voice in your head asked. You gave Sans your best grin and walked out the door into the chilly air. You were wearing something a little warmer, now. You even bought a jacket and scarf at the trading post.

It was a tough walk from the skele-bros house to Waterfall, but you made it eventually. As soon as you walked into Waterfall, you couldn't help but notice a stand that had a certain skeleton standing behind it. "Sans?!" You called out in uncertainty. "What? Haven't you seen a guy with two jobs before?" You nodded in confusion. "Fortunately, two jobs means twice as many legally-required breaks. I'm going to Grillby's, wanna come?" You nodded again. "Uh, sure... I guess." Your stomach growled in agreement and you blushed. "Well, if you insist, I'll pry myself away from my work." You roll your eyes, knowing full well he didn't want to work anyway.

Sans walks away from his stand. "Over here. I know a shortcut." You nod and suddenly Sans grabs your hand. For a second, it's almost as if you were flying. Everything is dark and cold. And in the next second, your on the inside of the bar in Snowdin you knew as Grillby's. "Fast shortcut, huh?" Sans said, noticing your surprised expression. "Y-Yeah..." You couldn't help stuttering.

"Hey, everyone." Sans said as he greeted the entire bar. Sans must have been pretty popular, because ever single monster greeted Sans, including Lesser Dog, Greater Dog, and Grillby... but the two dogs just barked and Grillbz just waved. "Hey, Sans... weren't you here just a few minutes ago for breakfast?" Sans chuckled. "Nah, I haven't had breakfast in at least half an hour... you must be thinking of brunch." Ever monster just laughed, and a drum noise was heard in the distance. Sans turns to you, and you giggled quietly.

The skeleton gestured to the seats by the bar. "Here, get comfy." As soon as you sat down, a whoopee cushion went off. You looked at Sans apprehensively. Sans just laughed nervously. "Haha... whoops, watch where you sit down. Sometimes weirdos put whoopee cushions on the seats." You roll your eyes. "Uh, huh. Sure." After the whoopee cushion incident, you ordered fries, which had an entire bottle of ketchup poured on top of it. Sans, being the good skeleton he was, and not because he was at fault for your drowned French fries, gave you his instead.

You couldn't help but look at him in awe and confusion when he downed the entire ketchup bottle and all of the ketchup-drowned-fries. "I like ketchup." He explained. "I can see that." You said with a small giggle.

(A/N) Also, true story here... I'm at this part in the game, so that's why this part is so detailed XD

(Word Count: 849)

Empty Heart (Sans x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora