Chapter 9

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Once you had hugged Sans back, he seemed to tighten his boney arms around you. But, even though the hug felt good at first... you felt the emptiness in your heart take over. "I... uh... I'm going to sleep." You gently push Sans off of you and open the door to his bedroom. When you turn to look back at Sans, you freeze. He looked.... disappointed. You quickly turned away from him and left his bedroom. After setting yourself up on the couch, you closed your eyes and went to sleep.

You awoke in the boney arms of the one person you actually loved. You carefully turn yourself to face him, trying not to wake him up. He stirs, but only a little. "Cute..." You whisper as you kiss his soft forehead. You sometimes wondered if all bones were as soft and smooth as Sans', or if he just wore some kind of lotion. Sans eyes sockets slowly open. "Hey." You said nonchalantly. Sans grinned and pressed his teeth to your neck. "Morning, beautiful." You laughed and slowly untangled yourself from your skeleton boyfriend. You and Sans had been dating for a couple of months by now, and every single day was full of teeth kisses and hugs. You were definitely living the dream.

"What do you think Pap made us for breakfast?" You asked Sans as you slipped on some clothes. Sans watches you with a smile before answering. "Oh, uh, spaghetti... probably." You nod in agreement as you pull on your pants. "You know, Sans... you could take a picture. I hear it lasts longer." These words brought a bright blue blush onto Sans' usually white face. "You know, Y/N..." Sans said with an ever-growing smile. "We cold always stay in bed for a little while longer." You laughed at Sans failed attempt. "Yeah right, bone-boy."

After the two of you had gotten dressed, Sans led the way to the skele-bro's kitchen. You walked into the kitchen and froze. There was ashes and blood everywhere. You let out a scream. "Papyrus!" Sans looked from the kitchen to you with a scared light in his eyes. As you looked down at yourself, you realized your new clothes were covered in Papyrus's ashes. "Sans! Please believe me! I didn't have anything to do with this!" You said as you sobbed. Sans just shook his head, trying to convince himself he wasn't seeing what he was seeing. But then he saw it. In your hand rested a bloodstained knife. You killed Papyrus.

"How could you?" Sans asked in a shaky voice. You looked from the knife in your hand to him. "No! Sans, it wasn't me!" You let go of the knife and took a step towards your boyfriend, but he took a step back. "Sans! I swear!" Sans shook his head, his left eye socket glowing blue. "Y/N! Don't you know what this means?" His voice was stilly shaky, and he sounded panicked. "Sans, please!" You pleaded. Sans shook his head. "Y/N! I have to kill you now!" Your eyes widened fearfully as you were lifted up in the air by an unseen force. "Sa-" But your words caught in your throat as a bone shot through your chest. The pain was unbearable.

Tears streamed down your face, and blood streamed down your front. You tried to speak, but blood bubbled up your throat and burst out of your mouth. You saw Sans terrified and sad expression. Blue tears streamed down his face. He didn't want to kill you. He thought you were different. You closed your eyes. Deep down you always knew it would end this way.

You shot up from your makeshift bed covered in sweat and screaming. Sans was down the stairs and by your side in a second. "S-Sans?" You whispered shakily. Sans nodded and tried to grab your wrist, but you yanked it out of his reach. Images of Sans lifting you up in the air with his magic and bones stabbing through you raced though your mind as you jumped away from him.

"Sans, please! I didn't do it!" You screamed as tears ran down your face. Sans took a step towards you, and you backed away. "Please! I would never hurt you or Papyrus!" You yelped as Sans hands grabbed your shoulders tightly. "Sans!" You tried one more time. But, your pleads did nothing as Sans squeezed you tighter. And then suddenly, you were in his arms again. You struggled to get away from him, your heart pounding and mind racing. You were terrified. Was Sans going to kill you?"

"Y/N... Please." His voice was soft... and soon you stopped struggling. "It was just a nightmare, okay?" You nodded and just stood there rigidly. The images still plagued your mind. "Come on, Y/N. It's early... and we have to go back to sleep." You nodded again and just complied as Sans laid you back in your makeshift bed and hummed you to sleep.

(Word Count: 830) 

Empty Heart (Sans x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя