Chapter 4

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Even after Sans stopped laughing, there wasn't much to do. In all honesty, you kind of liked Papyrus more than Sans. Though you met the shorter skeleton first, you spent more time with his taller, goofy, brother. "So, uh..." You tried to start a conversation, but couldn't think of anything to say. "What? Have nothing to talk about in that skull of yours?" You glared at him. "That wasn't even a pun." Sans chuckled lightly. "You're right. If it was it would have been more humerus." A laugh slipped past your lips. "Well that was pun-derful." Sans winked at you.

"Trust me, vertebabe, I have a lot more where that came from. A whole closet-full, really." You rolled your eyes at his nickname for you and walked over to his closet. An idea forming in your mind. "This closet?" Sans walked over to you and shook his head. You leaned your head into the closet and gasped loudly. "What is it?" Sans leaned forward to look into the closet, and you took the opportunity to push him in and close the door. "Now I've got a skeleton in my closet." You snickered.

"But it's my closet." Sans sounded almost like he was pouting. You rolled your eyes and opened the closet door, only to be pulled into the closet as well. The door somehow slammed itself shut, keeping you in the small space with the short skeleton. You were now in a very embarrassing position, fallen on top of man-made-of-bones with your nose touching where his nose would be if he had one. Your mouth was inches away from his teeth. "Um, I, uh..." You tried to think of something to say, heat rising to your cheeks. The skeleton under you laughed.

"Already trying to jump my bones? That's just sinful." You tried to push yourself off of Sans, only to have his boney hands wrap around your waist and pull you onto him more. "Are you sure you aren't the one trying to keep me in this closet, Mr. Skellington?" The name just popped into your head, you immediately thinking of Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas under you instead. "That's not my name, vertebabe. And, it was pretty obvious that you were falling for me." You frowned at his smirk. Then you heard it... footsteps. Suddenly, the door was thrown open, and a very surprised Papyrus stood in the doorway.

"SANS! HUMAN! YOU HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN SO FAR INTO THE DATING THAT YOU SKIPPED STEPS TWO AND THREE?!" Sans grinned. "Well, Pap... When I'm up to bat I always go for the homerun." You blush even more at his baseball pun and again attempt to push yourself off the cocky skeleton. "No! That is not what we are doing, Papyrus! I swear!" Papyrus looked from you to Sans and eventually peeled you off of him, which you quickly thanked him for, and then hid behind him.

Sans looked at you with a smirk. "You aren't scared of me now, are you?" You glared at him. "SANS... I DO BELIEVE THE HUMAN DOESN'T SEEM TO LIKE YOU THAT WAY." Papyrus guessed. You nodded at Pap, and once he turned his head away from you, you stuck your tongue out at Sans. Sans laughed. "Well, that's rude." You couldn't help the smile that creeps onto your face at his words. After a few (loud) parting words, Papyrus left the room. You smiled and winked at Sans. "I hope you learned not to tease me." Sans took a few steps towards you, his grin on his face, as usual. "And what'll happen if I do?" You quickly run towards the door, yelling to Papyrus to help you. Sans immediately froze. "You play dirty, Ms. Y/N." You wink and give him a lazy, one-handed, salute. "Why thank you, Mr. Sans." And with that, you sashayed out of the room.

Sans P.O.V

Sans stared at your back as you sashayed out of his room. Just who were you? Every single time a person fell, in every timeline, it was Frisk. But, in this timeline, it was you. You, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old kid. Not only was Sans confused about that... he was also confused about the look in your eye. You seemed to not by there at times, having an empty and black stare. He also noticed that your smiles and even some of your laughs were forced. You were definitely different from Frisk.

Even though Sans knew that Chara could only posses Frisk, he still felt worried. Hell, even though you spared everyone so far, who is to say that you won't turn out to be a killer? Sans sighed. For the first time since he discovered the different timelines, he felt confused. He was treading on new territory, now. And, he had absolutely no idea what was going to happen next.

(Word count: 809)

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