Chapter 6

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After your lunch with Sans, you stood up to leave. As Sans walked towards the door, he suddenly turned around. "Oh hey, can you foot the bill?" You sigh and turn around to pay Grillby, only to have Sans stop you. "I'm kidding, vertebabe. Grillbz, put it on my tab." You suspected that if Grillby had any eyes, he would have rolled them at Sans words. Grillby then proceeded to type a few numbers on the computer. You were curious to know how big the lazy skeleton's tab really was, so you took a peek.

"Fourteen-million G?!" You nearly shouted as you turned to Sans. Sans shrugged nervously. You quickly turn to Grillby. "I solemnly swear to make him pay back every, single, piece." Grillby chuckled quietly. "You don't really have too..." You held up a hand to stop his barely audible words. "No, no. Sans the Skeleton needs to learn responsibility." Sans quickly turned to run, but you had a hand on his hood in seconds.

"Not so fast, bone-boy." Sans sighed in defeat as you marched him out of the restaurant. "Seriously? Fourteen million?!" Sans laughed shakily. He had a feeling you just might kill him. You grinned, knowing his thoughts exactly. "Oh don't worry, Sans. I won't kill you until you pay off your debt to Grillbz. Afterwards, though... you might not live very long." Sans eyes widened fearfully as you yanked him back to his house and sat him in front of Papyrus's computer.

"HUMAN?! SANS?! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN MY ROOM?!" Papyrus asked as he sat on his amazingly cool racecar bed. You glanced at Sans angrily as you turn to Papyrus. "We are finding your brother a real job so that he can make enough money to pay Grillby back." Papyrus nodded in understanding. "THANK YOU FOR HELPING TEACH MY LAZY BROTHER WHAT RESPONSIBILITY IS, HUMAN. YOU ARE A TRUE FRIEND." Pap looked close to tears as he said those words. You quickly ran to Papyrus, still holding onto Sans hood so he couldn't escape. "Anytime, Pap. Anytime."

"Finally..." You muttered in an exhausted tone. Sans had finally picked a job with a decent amount of pay, though it was being a gardener for the king of all monsters, Asgore. You assumed Sans picked this job so you wouldn't know if he showed up or not, considering Asgore wanted your soul on a platter. "You do know I intend to be right next to you as you do your job, right?" Sans looked at you carefully. "How can you be right next to me in Asgore's castle. You do know he wants you dead, right?" You laughed. "Yeah." 'Good riddance, I'll say. The sooner he kills you, the better.'

Fingers snap in front of your face. "Oh... sorry. I'm just a little tired." Sans stared at you for awhile. "What?" You ask nervously. Sans sets a bony hand on your forehead and leans in close. You could feel the skeleton's breath on your lips. How did he breathe without lungs? And why? "You don't have a fever." You carefully take his hand off your head. "Yeah I mean I-" Sans look of pure concern caught you off guard. "You're feeling alright, right?" You nod. "Y-Yeah. Totally fine!" Your answer came too quickly, you realized. Sans looked at you suspiciously.

"Oh yeah! You need to read Pap a bedtime story!" You said in a slightly higher octave than usual. Sans looked at Papyrus, who looked just about ready to doze off. But, he still waited eagerly for his brother's bed time story. "Why don't you read it tonight, Y/N?" You looked at him, surprised he offered. "W-What?!" Sans turned to the nearly asleep Papyrus.

"Come on, Pap. Won't it be fun to have Y/N read to you, tonight?" At this, Papyrus jumps out of his bed and looks at you with pleading eyes. "PLEASE, HUMAN? I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO HEAR YOUR STORY!" You looked into Pap's hope-filled eyes and couldn't find the heart to say no. "Alright. Fine." Papyrus cheers and Sans chuckles, which you give him a death-glare for. "So, what do you want me to read?" Papyrus grins at you and sis back on his bed. "ANYTHING! YOU CAN EVEN MAKE UP A STORY!" You grin. There was something you were good at. Making up stories.

"Okay, Pap... I've got a special one for you..."

(A/N) In the next chapter, there will be the story you tell Pap. Which, I guess, is sort of like a spin on little red riding hood but with you and the other characters from Undertale as the characters for little red riding hood. Hope you enjoy it!

(Word Count: 785)

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