Chapter 7

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Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived alone... or nearly so. The girl did have parents... but they were never around much. Now this little girl, who in fact wore a red cape, was nicknamed Red. The girl, Red, had heard that her grandmother, who she visited quite often, had fallen ill. As the days passed after hearing the news, Red became increasingly worried. So, one night, she left her empty house to visit the old woman. To get to her grandmother's house, Red would have to travel through the woods.

Red quickly set off on her journey, holding a basket of treats for her dear old grandmother. Since Red had left her home at dark, the woods loomed before her darkly and ominously. She took a breath, more for courage than for anything else, and stepped into the woods. Now, these woods were not like any other woods, because of one vital fact. These woods were magical. It was said that sometimes you could hear the animals that lived in the woods talking. As Red walked along the path, she came into contact with many small creatures. The first creature she had met was a small, white, goat. This goat was sad and lost, looking for his mother.

Red talked with the goat, getting as much information as she could. She learned that this goat's name was Asriel, and he was looking for a female white goat named Toriel. (As you told the story, you saw Sans eye sockets widen at the mention of Toriel and Asriel... did he know them?) After questioning the goat, Red scooped him up in her arms and began a search. Soon after, Red ran into a large but friendly female goat, who just so happened to be Asriel's mother. After reuniting the two, Red set off on her journey again. A few minutes after Red had left Toriel and Asriel, she felt eyes following her every move.

Red turned around when she heard a branch snap. She was terrified. Her legs shook, her arms quaked, and her hands felt numb. As she raised her eyes to look at the creature that had been following her, she felt surprise. Standing in front of her was a wolf. This wolf smiled at her, which only made her feel more uncomfortable. She decided to face her fate, but tried her best to plead for her life. "Please, Mr. Wolf..." She started, her voice cracking. "I need to find my grandmother's house. She is gravely ill." The wolf regarded her silently, smile still on his face. When the wolf licked his lips, Red felt the terror course through her veins. She waited for the wolf to pounce. But... the wolf never attacked.

"Dear Red Riding Hood..." The wolf began. His voice was quiet, but fierce. "I will not harm you, as you have done nothing wrong. Instead, I wish you safe passage on your journey. " As the wolf bade Red farewell, she couldn't help the relieved sigh that escaped her lips. Again, Red set out on her journey. Not long after her encounter with the wolf, a bunny appeared. This bunny had never seen a human before, and was very excited. "Oh joy!" The bunny said in a loud, cheerful, voice. "A human!" Red listened to the bunny, learning that he was quite lonely. And so, red decided, that she would play with him. As Red and the bunny made their ways through puzzles and traps, the two became increasingly close.

"Red?" The bunny asked in a quiet voice, which was very unusual for his mostly loud persona. "Yes?" Red answered the bunny. The bunny looked at her sadly. "Are we... friends?" The bunny awaited her answer. Red smiled and hugged the bunny closely to her chest. "Of course!" She answered with a smile. "And even after my trip to grandmother's house, I will make sure to visit you every day." The bunny nodded enthusiastically, obviously happy with Red's choice. After playing with the bunny a little while longer, Red began her journey again. She walked for hours before her next interruption. As she walked to a bridge that would carry her over a river, she saw her friend, the bunny, and the wolf arguing. She watched in awe as the bunny stood up to the wolf, who made no move to hurt the smaller creature. Both animals noticed her around the same time.

"Red Riding Hood..." The wolf said in his quiet voice. "What a pleasant surprise." The bunny looked between Red and the wolf. "Do you know her, brother?" The wolf nodded. "Yes. I do." After Red and the wolf explained to the bunny how the two of them had met, and the bunny and wolf explaining that they were indeed brothers, Red and the two animals set foot on the journey for the final time. When the three of them reached grandma's house, Red entered. Upon entering the house, Red was struck with grief. But, though her grandmother had died, Red was still happy. And she was happy because of the friends she met in the woods. The end.

(Word Count: 859)

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