Chapter 8

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As you finished your story, you looked up to see Sans and Pap's reactions. What you were not expecting was to see Pap crying his eyes out silently and Sans staring at you with a stunned look. You quickly hugged Pap to your chest and stroked his skull. "Hey... What's the matter?" You asked softly. Papyrus sobbed loudly, the front of your shirt being soaked by orange tears.

"Shhhhhhhh. Shhhhhhhh. It's okay." You cooed, still stroking his skull. Papyrus slowly stopped crying. It took you a few minutes of holding his silent body to realize he was asleep. After you laid the skeleton in his red racecar bed and pulled the covers over him, you looked at Sans. He was still staring at you. "Um... Sans?" You asked nervously. Sans eye sockets widened and he looked away. "Haha... sorry for staring, ki-" "Y/N." You interrupt him. His smile widens. "Y/N."

You walk over to him. "It's okay, bone-boy." Sans cheeks flush blue at your nickname. "Okay then, vertebabe." You nod at him approvingly and begin to walk out of Pap's bedroom. Sans stops you by grabbing your wrist. The feeling of his boney phalanges on your flesh made a chill run down your spine. His touch was so... foreign. "Hey, uh, am I right to assume that you were Red in the story?" Your eyes widen. "Oh, uh, I was kind of just making up a story..." Sans pulled you out of Pap's room, shut the door, and threw you into his room. You started to feel uncomfortable as Sans locked the door.

"How do you know Asriel and Toriel?" You backed up, unfortunately backing into a wall. Sans hands rested on either side of your head, his face inches from yours. "I-I met them when I first fell!" You closed your eyes and tried to push Sans away from you... to no avail. "You met Asriel?" Sans leaned in closer. When you opened your eyes and looked Sans in the face, you nearly gasped. The usual white pinpricks that rested in his eyes were gone, replaced with a blue light. Now, this blue light was only in Sans left eye... his right eyes completely dark. In the darkened room, he looked even more fearsome than usual.

"How do you know Asriel?!" Sans voice sounded angry. You tried once again to push him away from you, your fingers pushing against his sternum. He was scaring you, to say the least. Your legs quaked, your arms shaked, your voice wouldn't come. Tears even threatened to spill out of your eyes. Sans seemed to notice this as his pinpricks returned. "Hey, it's okay... I'm sorry for scaring you." He whispered softly.

Sans P.O.V

Sans felt like the scum of the world as he looked down at your shaking form. He went too far, and he knew it. Sans honestly didn't mean to scare you... but he didn't know how else to deal with you. And now that you were crying and cowering in front of him, he didn't want to question you anymore. "Hey, hey... Shhhhhhhh..." Despite not wanting to, you whimpered. Sans felt even worse. It was pretty obvious you were a pacifist... so that meant there was no reason for him to be mean to you.

"Y/N... Shit. I'm sorry." You shook your head, trying to convince him that you were okay. Suddenly, Sans hugs you tightly. You freeze, and Sans eye sockets widen. What was he doing? Why was he hugging you? Honestly though, when you relaxed and hugged him back, the thoughts of why he was doing this vanished from his mind. Despite his thoughts of suspicion and nervousness around you, he felt himself smile. He loved hugging you.

(Word Count: 621)

Empty Heart (Sans x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora