Chapter 6

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Louis' POV

I love the way your hair shines in the day light

Harry x

I groaned and threw it over with the small developing pile of papers and piles of chocolates and flowers. He just won't give up. Did he expect me to just run into his arms because he got me flowers and some chocolates? He said I was a fucking psychological freak. He doesn't know me. He didn't have the right.

"But Lou!! Look at all the things he's said!"

"Lottie. You lied to me. You told me he was nice". She groaned.

"He is nice!!"

"He said I was crazy and called me a psychological freak!"

"Lou, you're talking to your dead sister". Those words definitely shut me up for a few seconds. Sure, I'm talking to my sister who has been dead for six years..but so what? I'm allowed to be crazy. He's not allowed to call me crazy. "Come on Lou! He's so fit! He's sweet and caring. You need him!" She walked over to the papers and grabbed one. "I love the way your eyes glisten while a light is shining over you". I huffed as she picked up another. "I love the way you sleep so peacefully". She frowned. "That's a bit pedophile ish".

"I dreamed about the night so asked him to hold me. Guess he watched me sleep". She cringed and picked up another.

"I love the way you smile at me..awhhhh!!!!" I rolled my eyes at her. There was a knock on the door and I groaned, getting up off the couch and opening it.

"Hey Louis!" I stumbled back slightly as a blond barged into my flat. "Hey! Harry would be really upset if he saw this". He looked at me and pointed to the small piles. I glared at him. He gave me a sympathetic look and I frowned. "He really does like you Louis. Do you really think someone would actually go to this effort if they didn't actually feel sorry for what they said?" He groaned frustratedly. "Look, Louis, it's been over a month. Harry is actually driving me nuts with his 'why won't he forgive me!?' 'I really like him though!' 'Help me Niall' 'Why did I say those things!?' Questions every single fucking day! I'm going crazy!" I inwardly chuckled. I like this guy. He's cute and funny. He frowned and looked more serious. "I know what happened. I understand that you're not exactly a normal person in your head. Mentally. And Harry didn't have any place in calling you things. I am sorry Louis, but please, just forgive him?"

"How do you know?" Tears welled up in my eyes as my bottom lip slightly trembled.

"I just pieced it together". He looked up to me and his face completely fell. "Shit, don't cry! Please don't cry".

"Pieced what together?"

"Well, I knew it happened. Just didn't exactly know that you were the boy". He's going to find me. They're going to let him out and he's going to find me. I clenched my hair and let out a scream I've wanted to ever since. "Louis? Are you okay?" I breathed heavily. "Harry!!!! It's Louis, I don't know what's wrong. Just get here". I screamed again, my eyes squeezed shut while I let it out. Why can't I have just been killed? Why did he rape me?

"Lou?" I heard a deep, husky voice whisper. "It's okay Lou". I looked up to see green eyes and stumbled back.

"What the?"

"Lou why are you scared of me?" Harry frowned.

"D-don't call me that!"

"Louis please.." He reached out but I moved away more.

"Don't touch me".

"I'm sorry Louis. I'm so sorry for what I said. Please, let me help you". *bang* I jumped and pulled my legs to my chest.

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