Scenario 8: XMAS (dirty version)

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-THIS SCENARIO IS WRITTEN BY MY BABE VyBui28  , PLEASE GIVE CREDS TO HER . I'm just the one that fixes up all the small mistakes like grammars and stuff , even though I'm bad at it myself LOLOLOL-

Setting: Jimin's bedroom

"Merry Christmas..."

Jimin said shyly as he gives his present that he had prepared for Jungkook a few days ago .

"Oh! Thank you, hyung!" Jungkook excitedly hold onto the present . However, he felt uneasy because he STILL does not have anything for Jimin in return.

" Ah.. Sorry so much huyng..!! I don't have anything for you in return.." Jungkook's face turned red in embarrassment so he kept his head down as he apologize .

"No, don't be sorry" Jimin smiles.

"What do you want then ? I could give you anything for Christmas."

"Anything?" Jimin asked with a creepy smirk .

"Yeah, anything..But if it's too expensive then maybe not haha , I heard Yoongi bought you like 10 chains . $3 each man" They both laughed .

"I want..." Jimin hesitated " I want..."

"Just tell me, don't be shy ." Jungkook smiled.
"Clothes? Hats? Hoodies? Shoes? Plain shirts? Anything?"

"I need none of that... I want..." Jimin can't get a hold of himself , his face is so red!
" I want... I want youuuu~" Jimin finally said it. He breath out loudly in relief .

"Hyung..." Jungkook didn't know what to say so he just stood there smiling with his head down.

"Yes... I want you... Yes I want you for a Christmas present" He smirks as he slowly make his steps towards Jungkook . Closer and closer.

1 , 2 , 3.

The sound of Jungkook accidentally
falls down onto Jimin's bed.
He can now see Jimin leaning down and in towards Jungkook's neck . He started kissing , then sucking , and most vigorously , biting it . He moaned as Jimin tends to leave a mark that we all love to call , a hickey . He started screaming which was what made Jimin stopped . He stops and stares into Jungkook's eyes , "You don't like it?" He let out a few breaths .

"No .. I do but .. I don't think i'm ready for this . I'm.. nervous . This was all so sudden." Sweats were running down from Jungkook's forehead down to his face and chest .

"I'll be slow and gentle then , don't worry. Just lay back and let me do my thing . " Jimin let out a smirk , again.

Jimin brings his hand up to Jungkook's chest and trace it down to Jungkook's' abs as he other hand holds onto Jungkook's back of the head. He starts to kiss everywhere on Jungkook's body. The moment Jimin's tongue successfully made its way inside Jungkook's mouth , it went wild . Jungkook couldn't help it but moan loudly.

Jimin stops and collapse on the bed. He lays himself down beside Jungkook's body. The silence fill up the room as well as the awkwardness.

"That's IT?" Jungkook asked while giggling .

"Jungkook..! STOP TEASING MEHHH!" Jimin was so embarrassed .

"YOU GOT NO JAMZ ! MWHAHAHA. " Jungkook continued with the teasing .


"Oh well , my turn now." He smirked .

Immediately he climbs over Jimin's body and started doing such crazy things that surprised Jimin so much because usually it was Jimin that is being dominant .
Jungkook move his index finger from Jimin's neck down to his waist, then slowly pulls down Jimin's pants.
Blow job is happening.

"Oh god!!!" A loud moan releases .

Suddenly someone knock on the door. Suga opened the door. Luckily Jungkook was fast enough to run to the door.

"Oh SHITTTTTTT, that's no good!" Jungkook run to block the door. While Jimin begins to wear his pant up quickly.

"What are you doing!? Open the door. Jungkook, why are you blocking the door!?" Suga scream as he fell on the floor because Jungkook push him out.

"Huyng! I'm sorry... Are you okay?" Jungkook walked out and pulled Suga up , just in time for Jimin to be fully dressed .

"Why are you shirtless?" Suga looked at Jungkook suspiciously.

"Ummm... It was too hot! So I took it off." Jungkook lied straight to his face .

"Hot? What chu mean hot? Yeah I can see you both are sweating but isn't it December? How is it hot? You can turn off the heat if it is hot! Why are you shirtless?" Suga keep on attacking Jungkook with questions knowing that he's jealous because he knew Jimin and Jungkook was in same room alone. He always like to check with them both every 10 mins.

"Swag right ? It's December and we're not even wearing shirts! Ha ..ha .. Swag swag .. right ? Ha . Ha. " Jungkook tried to fake laugh even though he was so damn nervous .

"Yeah! Swagggg Min Sugaaa , right ? Right? " Jimin also tried laughing along with Jungkook .

"SWEGGGGG" Suga laughed too but in a very uncomfortable way as he stand up.

Suga made his way out of their room . The boys stared at Suga every single move he makes like two predators examining their prey. Jimin and Jungkook both looked at each other and let out a huge breath in relief .

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