Strange Feelings

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Bella's POV
It's been 17 years since mine and Edwards wedding and something still don't feel right, it's like..we just aren't as close as before. I started feeling funny about it a few days before the wedding but didn't tell anyone, certainly not Edward, I figured it was just cold feet or something. But now here it is 17 years later and it has only gotten worse...something isn't right. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* "Bells? Are you in there?" I turned in surprise at the sound on the bathroom door, I have to be the worst vampire ever to be surprised like that, let alone by a wolf. "Yeah Jake I'll be right out!" I took one last look in the mirror "Is there something wrong with me? Or does Edward feel this too?" I thought to myself. "Maybe I should talk to someone other then myself for once." I turned and opened the bathroom door and walked out and right into Jake's chest "Jeez Bells, I know vamps need to shower and all sometimes but some of us still have to piss" I rolled my eyes looking up at him, he has gotten a little taller now due to steady phasing. If he's gonna live with us he has to look same age as we do, means he has to keep phasing. "Sorry Jake, I got lost in thought. When are you going to stop growing? Soon we will have to raise the roof" I joked poking his big chest, he laughed at that and I could feel the rumbling in his chest "You know bells, I'm only 6'11. It's not my fault your just short." He laughed again and I stepped on his foot lightly so as not to hurt him "I am not short, Alice is short" I crossed my arms and pouted as best I could when suddenly a little "HEY I HEARD THAT" rang from down stairs causing me to lose my poker face and us both fall on the floor laughing. As I was going to get up Jake ran into the bathroom "huh guess he finally remembered his need of the bathroom" I shook my head as I walked downstairs only to be greater by a short, black, spiky haired pixie "well speak of the pixie and she shall appear" I smirked as I messed up her hair earning a glare and a smack on the arm for doing so and walked into the living room to see Emmett on his video games...again. "You know that you can play something too much and fry it right Em?" He didn't even look up from his game to respond "Can't fry something you have 20 copies of Bella-Bear" I looked over at Rose in astonishment and she simply nodded confirming he does have 20 copies of the same games. "Wow and I thought I was bad with having 2 copies of my favorite book growing up" I sat down next to Rose biting my lip thinking about who I should talk to when she looked up from her magazine "Are you okay Bella? You look like Emmett when he loses a game" I laughed at that visual and looked over at Rose. "Rose, I have this feelings that...something just isn't right with Edward and I" Emmett dropped his controller and Rose just looked at me with her jaw dropped. "Shit, wrong person to talk to"

AN: So I'm new at writing, this is my first story so let me know what you think. Any advice story line or writing style related is welcome. Let me know if you want more

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