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Alice POV: "6 hours....6 long painful hours she has been gone..." I closed my eyes thinking back on what happened at the waterfall.

She was standing there joking about how I was lost in thought as I had teased her just a few hours earlier when the mood in the air changed suddenly, she was looking at my lips and back up to my eyes rapidly and before I could even question it I felt her lips on mine. Cold yet warm at the same time, hard yet the softest things I had ever felt in my whole existence...then all of a sudden they were gone. When I opened my eyes, "when did I close my eyes?", I could see she was looking at me with a look of...fear? "I..I'm so sorry Alice.." and with that she was gone.

As I'm sitting on my bed thinking back on it I hear a knock on my door "yes?" I turn to see Jasper in the doorway. "Alice what's going on? Your emotions..they are so worried I'm starting to panic about nothing at all!" I sighed and looked down, "I'm sorry Jaz, I'm just worried about Bella. We were...talking in the woods and she just left, I don't know where she is I can't see her." I had to look away while talking, I hated lying to him but I just couldn't tell him what REALLY happened until I know myself what happened. He walked over to me and sat down on the bed next to me putting his arms around me. "I know your worried, but if you can't see her then that tells you she's around the reservation so you know she's safe." I nod at that, I hadn't thought of the fact that I can't see the wolves. I hear him sign and look up to see him studying me carefully "I don't know what you're trying to hide or why but whatever it is that you are really worried about I'm sure it will be alright." I smile at that, he has always been here to make me smile when I'm upset. I hugged him at that and open my eyes to see Bella in my doorway with a hand full of flowers and the most heartbroken look in her eyes. "Bella!" I get up and reach out for her but she steps back, staring at me and Jasper position. "Shit" I look over to Jasper to see him giving her the same confused look he was giving me moments ago. "Double Shit" Jasper is obviously putting two and two together and I wasn't sure if he would like what it added up to..

A/n: hey guys sorry it has taken me so long, I got schoolwork and I just got a new phone so I had to get used to it and I'm hopefully moving so that will take me away a bit but I will try and write more here and there, I'm trying to keep each chapter at least 450 words so I was thinking about trying to write some here and there till I get a chapter full and do it that way, let me know what y'all think and as always let me know what you think about this chapter. Think Jasper will be supportive? Or be territorial about "his mate"? Let me know in the comments


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