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7 hours... We have been shopping for 7 hours and they still aren't done... I know that I'm a girl but how do girls shop this long? "So uh.. Are we almost done here?" I ask looking over the arm full of clothes at the pixie that keeps adding to the pile "of course not Bella we have only been to like...8 stores!" "Only 8?! Does she even hear herself right now?" I looked at her like she had lost her mind, which I'm pretty sure she has, and just sigh in defeat. There's no arguing with Alice when it comes to shopping "so where are Rose and Nessie?" I ask realizing I hadn't seen them in a while. Alice shrugged not even looking up from the rack of clothes she was currently going through "they left earlier, something around getting another vehicle for the clothes" I almost dropped the clothes "another vehicle just for the clothes?!?" Alice looked up at me and rolled her eyes "well duh Bella how else are we going to fit the clothes from the other shops we are going to?" Other shops.. I sighed and decided to just block out my current situation. The memory of Alice and my talk earlier in her room came to mind and that odd smile she gave me "was that my imagination? It looked as if she would have preferred if the guys hadn't come home. But why would that be? I would think she would be happy to see Jasper but she didn't even greet him.." I looked up at Alice whom seemed to be trying to gain my attention "hellooooo? Earth to Bella, are you home?" She knocked on my head at that as I swatted her hand away "yes Alice I am here, what happened?" She smiled and took the clothes from me sitting them in a dressing room "you kinda spaced out, what were you thinking about?" I looked down at my feet and shook my head "how would I even begin to ask her about this? To talk to her about feelings when I myself don't even know my own?" I felt a hand under my chin lifting my eyes up to hers. "Wow she really does have beautiful eyes... Wait where did that come from? And why do I keep feeling this? It's kinda like when I first met Edward..that instant connection, but me and Alice always had a connection. Always had love for each other, but...maybe that love has changed?" She smiled at me "I didn't say that out loud did I?" I looked at her worried and was met with a confused look "didn't say what Bella?" I rubbed the back of my neck, a nervous habit that had carried over to my vampire life "uh nothing... What was the question again?" She laughed at that "what caused you to go off to la la land Bella?" I bit my lip and looked down again. "I was just thinking about our talk earlier.." She went into the dressing room to start trying on the millions of clothes she had grabbed "what about it?" She replied. I wasn't worried about people listening in, one good thing about being a vampire: you can speak so low humans can't hear and still sound like your yelling. "Oh nothing important really" I lied "just that I think I love you"

A/n: I know this wasn't one of my best but I really couldn't think of much today, if y'all have any ideas for the story don't be afraid to message me directly. As always home yall enjoyed

New Feelings, Old Friendsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें