Does She Love Me?

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Alice POV: I couldn't believe how happy and relieved I felt when I looked over and saw Bella... that is until I saw the hurt look in her eyes as she turned and ran from me.. "no not again.. please don't leave me again.." I didn't have time to even think about Jasper before I was running after her, I felt him try to grab my arm and stop me but I pulled away from him easily as I quickly ran down the stairs and out the door desperately following the sweet sent that could only be my Bella.

"MY Bella? Bella wasn't mine she was Edward's... wasn't she? And I am Jasper's...It surprised me how sad the thought of her being someone else's was, it's not like she was my mate.. Jasper is.. isn't he? But then why did he feel so much colder then Bella had earlier that day at the waterfall? The waterfall..."

I was suddenly taken aback at the memories of what took place today.

"Today has been one of the most confusing days of my existence. First Bella says she has feelings for someone other then Edward but wouldn't reveal who it was, then the surprise shopping trip, not that I'm complaining. I love shopping any chance I get, then how quiet Bella was during the ride home before she ran, and then that kiss.... that kiss... I was so shocked when Bella kissed me. Not because of the kiss, but because of how warm and soft her lips had felt on mine. Never in all my years as a vampire had I experienced something as spectacular as that kiss. Even Jasper's touch was always so cold and hard..." I stopped for a minute as a thought hit me.

"Bella refused to tell me who it was she thought she liked after confessing she didn't like Edward anymore, she kissed me and ran before I could even ask why, and then that hurt expression when she saw Jasper holding me... could it be... does Isabella Swan... love me?" I was suddenly pulled away from my thoughts by the sound of sniffling and noticed I was not far from the meadow that Edward had always taken Bella to.

Picking up the pace I ran till I was just barely in the trees, staring at the meadow and at the beautiful girl who was sitting in middle of it, crying tears that would never fall. Accidentally I stepped on a twig that snapped under me causing Bella to look up from her seated position. The look of hurt and fear in her eyes made my unbeating heart cry out and I gasped. "Bella.. is it possible that you love me...?"

A/N: yoooo so it's been... like around a year? Ish maybe less.. I know it's a lame excuse but withy first year of college and me having to move a few times between now and the last chapter I have been so so swamped. I swear I'm trying to get back into things, I can't promise regular updates yet but I am going to try to write bits every chance I get to be able to make it easier. Thank you to anyone and everyone that is sticking with the story through my crappy updates haha. As always please let me know what y'all think, I hope it was okay with me being a bit rusty from not writing for a while.

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