The Meadow

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Bella's POV: I started running home after my talk with Seth, as I was running through the woods I saw a patch of beautiful yellow flowers growing wildly. "Hm, I wonder if Alice would like these. They are quite beautiful and they are her favorite color.." I decided to grab a few before continuing my trip home. As I walked in the door of the house I noticed it was empty "hm everyone must have gone out hunting" I ran up the stairs faster then usual, I just couldn't wait to see her but what I saw through the open door... it killed me. There she was, smiling in HIS arms, it hurt to see them like that but I just couldnt look away. I was frozen. Suddenly Alice opened her eyes and we locked eyes for a second, I couldnt take it after that. I dropped the flowers and ran out of there as fast as I could. I didnt know where I was going I just couldnt stay there.. I couldnt watch the woman I love..who I thought loved me in someone elses arms. I was running for a good hour or two when I realized I was running straight for the meadow that edward had taken me to when he first told me he was a vampire. I slowed to a stop after breaking through the tree line of the meadow and just stood there looking around. "It looks just as beautiful as it did all those years ago has this dead feeling at the same time." I sat down in the middle of the meadow, watching my skin shimmer and sparkle in the sunlight and sighed. "What am I going to do now? Theres no way I can go back after that. Jasper no doubt knows how I feel now and alice...she obviously dosent care. They are both probably back there laughing right now." I looked down and pulled my knees up to my vhest, holding them, thankful that I cant cry anymore after the change. "Crying would be the only thing that could make this any worse right now" or so I thought untill I looked over at the tree line... and met the eyes of a raven haired pixie.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry it has taken so long. I have a lot of drama going on, trying to move but cant, mental issues, have to start trying to get my GED. Its crazy at my house rn but my friend kept complaining lol so here is another chapter, it may not be as good, im a bit out of practice. But I promise to try and keep it going with steady updates when i can. Maybe not every day but hopefully at least a few times a week.
And for my steady readers (that i know of) gleek4eva123097 and K-Tizzy im sorry it took so long and thank you for being so patient. And as always, if theres anything yall want to know or anything yall can think of for the story dont hesitate to message me and let me know, ill consider anything and see if i can get it to work in. LOVE YALL

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