Miricles come from many places

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Bella POV
As I got to the bottom of the stairs I was thinking over what had just happened in Alice's room "I can't be jealous of Jasper, there's nothing for me to be jealous of" my thoughts were interrupted by Nessie hugging me as tight as she could "hey baby how was your trip?" She smiled at me as she told me all about what she had caught and how her and Jasper tricked Edward into jumping into the river, which would account as to why he was soaking wet, I smiled and high fived her and Jasper while Edward was not looking "good job" Edward turned around at that and looked at me causing all three of us to burst into a fit of laughter "it wasn't funny. Look at me I'm soaked now I have to go shower" he said as he glared at us "I'm sorry honey" I said trying to stop the laughter. He gave me a look that I have come to be revolted by and grabbed me by the hips leaning in close to my ear and whispered "would you like to join me?" I tried to keep from gagging as I backed up and looked around "God help me out of this one" thankfully a miracle came when Rose pulled me out of his arms "oh no you don't, she promised me and Alice a shopping trip and she's not getting out of it just cause you got a little wet" I almost laughed at the look of hatred and pleading he gave rose and I "huh? Oh yeah sorry Edward I forgot I told Rose and Alice I would go with them and you know how Alice gets if I back out" I look over at Rose half loving her and half hating her guts "Shit why did Rose have to add her in? Shopping was bad enough but with Alice.. It's like a million times worse!" Right about that time we hear footsteps running down the steps and right into us almost knocking me down "what?!? I don't remember us going shopping??!?" Rose rolled her eyes and pushed the hyper pixie outside to the car "that's cause it hasn't happened yet dumbass" I just gave Edward an apologetic look as I walked out the door. As I was getting in the car I was briefly worried about him being able to read Emmett's mind and learn everything that had happened when I remembered that after the fight with the volturi me and a few of the others worked on my powers a bit more and I now am able to keep Edward out of the whole families heads. "Wait!! take me with you!" I looked over in time to see Nessie get in the car "Jake and dad are starting their shit again and I don't wanna be here for it." Ever since Jake and ness got together 3 years ago Edward has hated him even more, I don't see why at least he isn't drooling over me anymore. "Thanks by the way Rose" she nodded and glanced over at me "what kind of sister would I be if I didn't cock block my brother?" At that she pulled out of the driveway as we headed out for a probably endless, knowing Alice, day of shopping.

A/n: well here's chapter 4, sorry it took so long with family drama and new years it's been a bit hectic. I hope y'all like it and be sure to let me know what you think.

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