Chapter 1~Flowercrowns

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  So, I just told Larry_Lashton about how her work as helped me with my self-esteem and I'm really nervous that she'll think I'm some weird creep. Ugh. 

Anyway, I'm very excited about this book but I'm also scared of your, I don't know. 

Dedication to Larry_Lashton 


Harry's P.O.V 

Work was finally over! Ugh, I've been doing a lot of over time for a few new books I needed for class next semester that cost way too much if you'd ask me but it's okay! I enjoy work but I'm just tired. Like really tired. I've been on my feet from 7 am to 8 pm and it didn't help needing to run to the store a few times for Niall. He was hungry at least 3 times per hour and that means he wanted Him being my best friend,I couldn't help but get him something. It breaks my heart to see Niall sad and he is only sad when he's hungry. 

"Ready to go, Hazza?" Niall asked as he started to put on his jumper. 

"I was born ready!" I smiled, jumping off the table I was waiting for Niall on. He always took longer than me, but I don't mind at all. 

"O-tae! Let's go!" He yelled happily. I smiled brightly at my friend as we made our way out the club and towards his boyfriend's car. Liam.

 As soon as Niall saw Liam get out the car with a bright smile, he ran towards him and jumped, wrapping his legs around his waist. Nothing was said, but lips were locked. I stood behind them, smiling at the two with a fond look. They were perfect for each other and I loved it. I wanted something like that but it's okay. Being single isn't always bad. 

Five hours passed; at least that's what it felt like, and they were still eating each others faces off. So, I just smiled and turned on my heels and decided to walk home. I had cats to fed and I could keep my loves waiting.

  I walked for about 10 minutes with a skip in my step and a smile on my face. I was so happy and I didn't know why but I didn't complain either. Maybe, it was my new red and blue flowercrown that I got made me happy. 

However, as I turned the corner I was almost knocked over. Luckily, I wasn't but my flowercrown was instead. I went to pick it up but a hand came into my sight and picked it up for me. I looked up to see an angel. No, like seriously, a real live angel. He was beautiful. He had bright red hair and sparkly holes in his face and stunning drawings on his arm and neck. He was flawless. 

"Oops, sorry baby." He smiled, making my knees go weak. How did he know that? Did God tell him? Was he my guardian angel? How did he know that I loved to be called'baby'? 

"I-it's o-okay." 

Louis's P.O.V

 "Shit, Jade if we get caught your ass is mine!" I said, running as fast as I could. 

"Have fun, explaining that to Ruby." She laughed, right by my side. I would've said something else but I just couldn't. We had to get the hell out of there. You see, Jade and I decided that 'Saint Jewel' had a few too many customers for our liking. They were taking some of our business so we decided to take some of their jewels. No biggie...well until the alarm went off. 

"You just had to get that fucking ruby for Ruby huh?" I said, angrily, hopping a fence. 

"Of course! My baby needs nice things too ya know?!" She shouted over the police sirens close by. We continued to run until we hit a sharp turn into an ally, making the sirens go quite. We ran and ran until we saw another fence, hopping over and taking a right turn. Well I did, Jade wanted to go left. 

"Why are we going back the way we came?!" She asked in confusion. 

  "Because, they'll never expect that. Besides, the shop's this way to begin with." I said as I stopped running. Jade put her hands on her hips, out of breath.

 "Okay, fine. But if we get caught, you are bailing me out." She said, pointing her finger to my chest. I didn't say anything, I just started running again with Jade hot on my heels. 

Once we turned another corner, my shoulder collided with another. I turned to tell the guy off but decided against it. I saw him looking at the ground and I followed his eyes as they landed on a flowercrown. He went to pick it up but me being me, wanted to do it. 

"Oops, sorry baby." I said, winking at the rather...beautiful boy. He was shorter than me. Hell, he was fucking tiny. He had chocolate curls on his head with a big smile and dimples in his blushy cheeks. He was perfect. 

"I-it's o-okay." He stuttered. His voice was low and soft and fucking adorable. I handed him his crown as he took it with a warm smile, making me smile back instantly. 

"I'm Louis." 

"I'm H-harry."I smiled at him, making him give me another in return. 

"Watch wear you're going, next time sunshine. I might not be so nice." I winked. 

"O-okay, yeah s-sorry." he blushed. He was differently cute and I loved it. 

"Shit, Louis! We gotta go, kiss your friend goodbye!" Jade said, pulling my arm, trying to make me move put failed terribly. 

However, the boy - Harry went completely red at her comment. I smirked evilly and stepped closer to him. We were inches away as I brought my face to his ear. 

"Later babe." I whispered and kissed his cheek as I stepped back. 

He stood there with wide green (I corrected it since it was such a big deal to you guys) eyes and a rosy red face. Like I said, fucking adorable. Although, I winked at him and started to run as Jade joined me. We were getting close to the shop but the only thing on my mind were curls, dimples and flowercrowns.  

Infantilism (Larry Stylinson)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora