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I've literally been planning for days on when I could have time to post for you guys but this...this I HAD to make time for.

I'm sure all of you have heard of the Manchester attack at the Ariana Grande concert on May 22th, 2017. I heard about it the following day and I have never been so hurt, sadden or shocked in my entire life.

Children were robbed of their lives. They barely got to live. What was supposed to be the happiest and best day of their lives, turned into the worst, saddest and last day of their lives. A 18 year old. 14. 8. Over 22 people lost there lives and 64 were injured but 20,000 were completely traumatized. One minute, they're singing and crying tears of joy from seeing their idol and then the next minute, they are screaming and crying tears of fear from seeing their friend's, sister's or daughter's blood.

Families are torn apart, never to be repaired. And Ariana is broken, beaten down by horror and guilt. She saw her fans died right before her very eyes. She risked her life trying to help them but her security guards wouldn't let her do much. She cried so hard and was in such a panic she was taken to the hospital. She's thinking of ending her career because she feels like she murdered her fans. She was a victim too and this will stick with her for a unbearable amount of time.

With all of this, it fucking makes me sick when I see assholes on social media joking about the attack, blaming Ariana and getting angry about her suspending the world tour. If you are one of these people, you make me fucking sick. You may want your money back but parents want their kids back. Kids want their lives back. Ariana wants her fans back. But they can't. This horrible event cannot be reversed and time can't be bent backwards.

Nonetheless, if there is ANYONE that reads this that was there at the concert or knows someone who was there or simply needs emotional support, please don't think twice to inbox me. I will even give you my Skype or my phone number if you feel that would help.

My love, thoughts and prayers go out to the beautiful victims of this tragedy. This is something I can't believe nor do I want to. The Manchester bombing will forever go down as one of the most heart smashing events of all time and my love and care for the victims and their loved ones will never leave. The sound of the bomb, the sound of the moment lives were taken from innocent creatures of the earth will beat along with my heart for as long as I live.

Pray for Manchester. Pray for Ariana. Pray for her crew. Pray for the loved ones of the victims. Pray for all effected by this. Pray for the world. Pray that better days will come and love will win once again.

 Pray that better days will come and love will win once again

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