Chapter 5~Big Baby

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I honestly should start writing my new book of the 3rd book of 'Save me' but I'm really hooked on this book to be honest.

Dedication to ROCIQUEEN13 for being so loving and support of me and just being the angel that she is. Much love, Stay Strong :)

Louis' P.O.V

Michael was all finshed up, long go and it was afternoon, meaning me, Zayn, Ruby and Perrie were still working with the help of Jade. Perrie doesn't work until Night but she wanted to help out today and didn't want Zayn to be alone.

Jade took over the counter as Perrie was piercing some guy named Tyler's ear, giving him a spear. Ruby was tattooing a girl who was getting her boyfriend's name on her ass. Classy. Very Classy. Note the sarcasm. 

Next was my mate, Jacob. He was getting a tatt on his chest. Ouch.

Just as I finished up a guy, that had no room left for another tattoo nor piercing, I saw my lad, Liam Payne walk though the door.

"Yo, LP! What's up?!" I said, overly happy. I haven't seen him in months.

"Yo, Tommo! I'm good mate just here for business and to see my best mate is all."

"Cool, whatcha getting?"

"Not for me."

I soon saw a blond peek out from behind Liam and I smiled, recognizing him, "Holy fuck, Niall?! How are you? Can't believe you too are still together!" I said, giving Niall a light hug.

"I'm good, Lou and shut up! Of course we are still together!" He said, sticking out his tongue. I chuckled a bit at his childish behavior.

"So, whatcha getting mate?" I asked, curious. He wasn't the tattoo or piercing type for that matter.

"I'll explain later but basically I'm getting matching tattoos with my best friend, Harry." he said, motioning over to a curly hair and flower crown headed boy. 

Holy Shit. I'd know him any where.

I went over to him with a smile, oddly happy to see him again. He was giggling with Jade as she showed him our book of the weirdest tattoos we've done and trust me, the were pretty fucking weird.

"Excuse me, don't I know you from somewhere?" I asked, knowing what his reaction would be. I was correct when he turned with a light blush on his cheek. Cute.

"O-oh, Hi." He said, cutely. He always stuttered around me.

"Never got your name." I did actually from Niall but I wanted to hear him say it cause his voice was just... damn. It was deep but soft and gentle.

"Oh, H-harry Styles. Y-you?" He smiled.

"Louis. Tomlinson." I said, smiling back. He blushed again and I chuckled.

"Is that right?" Jade said, getting Harry's attention. I frowned at that.

"Yeah I believe so. Niall?" He said, calling Niall over. He didn't stutter. Mhmm.

 Niall came and smiled as soon as he saw the paper with their soon to be tattoos, "Perfection! Can you do our tattoos Louis?" 

"Sure but it would be faster if Justin helped and did one while I did the other, oh and Justin is new here. He's a good guy." I said.

"Oh okay well...I'll get Justin because he sounds cooler than you. Harry, you can have the lame one." He said, laughing making me pout and Liam shake his head. Harry however was red from blushing with his arms crossed.

"Oh, a-alright." He stuttered once more. It was cute but weird because he only seemed to stutter around me.

Jade typed it all up quickly and said she'd have their papers over to me and Justin soon. Niall was overly happy and Harry just seemed shy. Cute.

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