I'm Back

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I read your comments, messages and emails and I am deeply touched. The good certainly weighs out the bad and I love writing and pleasing you all so much that I've decided to come back.

I'm learning to accept that not everyone is going to be nice and sympathetic to me. People are, well, assholes. They say things knowing it would get you down and get a kick out of it. It's sick but true. However, don't let it get to you. You can't change them but you can change how you react to their ignorance.

You won't be upset about it in the future so why bother being upset by it in the present when it's already in the past?

Be calm, stay positive and move along doing what you love. That's all you can do. I learned that the hard way and I am deeply sorry about leaving you all on major cliffhangers. I'll make it up to you. Promise.

With my return, I'll be re-reading through all my ongoing books to see how I can continue. Starting with this one, going on to; The Game, 525949 minutes, Protect Me and I'll be starting many more.

I love you guys and keep an eye out. I'll be updating soon.

Love & Passion
Larry & Lashton

~ Ian

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