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I stared at my phone screen. It had been three hours since I texted Troye and he still didn't respond. What bothered me more was the note that said "read at 4:55PM." Was he mad at me? I only texted him apologizing for snapping at him earlier and that I was thankful for how kind he was being.

I'd ask him tomorrow.


I was counting the money in the cash register when I saw Troye walk past the front door. He was pacing back and forth anxiously, glancing at his phone with distress in his eyes. Once he disappeared amongst the shoppers I got worried.

"Hey, um, Zoe?" I asked when she came out of the kitchen. "Can you take over the cash register for a minute?"

"Uh, sure," Zoe said. "Why?"

I glanced in Troye's direction. "I just- I have to go, thanks!" and I left the bakery and a very confused Zoe.

I slipped my way through the people in the main hallway, glancing over shoulders. I almost crashed into an old lady and a toddler at the same time before I saw him standing there. He was in the corner, leaning against the white wall and guarded by a giant potted plant. He stared down at his hands without blinking.

". . . Troye?" I said hesitantly, trying not to be an intrusion.

He looked up, blinking once, and gave me the smallest, saddest smile I'd ever seen. His hair looked greasy and untended, and to be quite honest, it looked like he just threw on the first thing he saw this morning.

I stepped forwards a little, concerned and confused. "Hey, Troye, are you okay?"

He blinked. It was then that I noticed the tears in his eyes.

". . . Troye," I said softly, reaching forward. I furrowed my brows.

"I-I'm fine," he said quickly, but his voice shook and he looked away before I could catch his eyes.

"No you're not," I said, "And I'm sorry about earlier, and for snapping, I've just been in a bad mood because-"

"My mom's dying."

His voice was so quiet. He stared at the tile ground as if there was nothing there.


He looked up, his eyes growing with panic. "My mom's in the hospital." He squeezed his eyes shut, leaning against the wall and hiding his face in his hands. "She's dying," his shaky voice was muffled and weak, "and I'm not even there with her."

He stood there, covering his face. I stepped over and leaned against the wall next to him. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I'm sorry." Slowly, I placed a hand lightly on his shoulder. He tensed for a second and looked over at me, his eyes tinted red. He stared at me and then he broke.

He started crying, and tried to turn away, but I didn't let him. I got even closer and pulled his wrists lightly, so I could wrap my arms around him. He finally let me, and placed his shaky arms around me in return. I leaned my head against his and closed my eyes as he cried. It was okay that my shoulder was soaked in tears. It didn't matter.

"It's okay, Troye," I said, so softly, but I knew he heard me. I squeezed his arm lightly. And he squeezed mine. "Do you want to talk?" I broke apart and he wiped his face with the back of his hand.

"N-Not here," he said. I motioned for him to lead the way, and he did. I walked beside him. I looked over and he kept his head down, avoiding the eyes of strangers and his cheeks tinted with embarrassment. I touched his back and he looked over for a second.

"Don't be ashamed," I said. "It's okay." We reached the bathrooms already and there was luckily no one else in them. We slipped inside and Troye stepped up to the mirror. He saw himself, squinting and reaching a hand up to brush his hair out of his face. He looked down at the white sink and a slim tear fell.

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