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Troye would be back soon. We hadn't been talking and even though it was for only a week, I still kind of missed him. I hoped he didn't hate me.

I called my parents and Bethany and I told them we would invite them over for Christmas. Bethany was happy, and as long as that was settled I guessed it was okay.

With christmas coming up in just a few weeks, there was a lot of work to be done. I took Beth to the Christmas tree lot and we got hot chocolates and a few wreaths. A tree too, of course, and I spent the day untangling the old christmas lights and trying to get them to stay up. We generally avoided talking about the baby incident, which was a bit stupid since it wasn't ever going to go away. Sooner or later, we'd have to figure something out.

We were getting more snow. There were more lights and more children playing on the streets. Kids sled down the hill in the park and they set up an ice rink. The mall was decorated with wreaths and bows and the bakery played classic christmas albums all day. I loved this time of year, but my mind was in other places. Like if Troye was okay, or how his mom was doing. Like what I was going to do with Bethany, and what my parents would do if things didn't go their way.

It was another day at the bakery and I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard my name being called.

"Connor! Hey," I looked up at Zoe who walked up to me with a small frown. "You seem a bit off lately, are you okay?"

I nodded quickly, almost too quickly. "It's fine."

"What's fine?"

". . .Everything," my voice squeaked slightly at the end.

Zoe groaned, pulling my arm to the side and bringing me to a corner of the kitchen. "Okay, tell me what's up, and don't bother lying."

"I . . . don't know," I mumbled, not knowing what to say. "I'm just really stupid, that's all."

Zoe's eyes went wide. "No, you're not stupid! Why would you think that?"

I hesitated, glancing quickly between her makeup lined eyes. I didn't want her to know about it, but the name just tumbled from my lips. "Troye."

She blinked. "Connor, what could have possibly gone wrong between you and Troye?"

"You wouldn't even imagine," I muttered, but quietly so she didn't hear.

"Did you get into a fight?"

I shook my head, although we sort of had. "I don't even know. I just said something stupid. And he's in Australia and I really think he hates me. I just want to talk to him-"

"But you don't think he wants to talk to you?" Zoe said, as if she was familiar with the situation. I nodded. "Well, if you want my advice, I would talk to him. You're going to have to eventually, anyways. Tell him whatever you need to tell him, and if he doesn't feel differently, then that's his loss. He's missing out on talking to a great guy." She smiled at the end, nudging me.

I smiled a little at her. I could try, at least, to tell him everything. And you know what, that was exactly what I was going to do. I was terrified, sure, but I trusted Troye the most and he needed to know that my life was far from perfect.

"Thanks, Zoe."

"Of course, Connor," Zoe said, hugging my side quickly. "Now come on, we have baking to do!"


For some reason that day, I actually did feel like baking. Zoe explained a few basics about how the kitchen and utilities worked. A few hours later, I came home with a little red velvet cupcake topped with cream cheese frosting. Zoe had showed me how to achieve the fluffiest icing, the kind that melts on your tongue and leaves no traces behind.

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