|| T E N ||

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(I had to re-upload this because it didn't turn out how I wanted it to so please read this version thankssss)

Short sort of filler chapter, sorry. But the next one will be pretttttty great I'm positive so wait for that. Thanks for your patience!


I cracked an egg against the bowl and watched as it spilled out over the counter. "Fuck!"

Zoe stood next to me, trying not to laugh as I could feel my face going red. "Shut up," I said, smiling just slightly.

"I didn't say a thing," she poured cream into the electric mixer. "You're improving, you know that? Hey, Mr. Oakley might even let you work as a baker."

"I don't think so," I admitted as I wiped up the egg with a paper towel. I tossed it into the trash. "He called me in just the other day saying I was slacking."

"Really? Doesn't seem like it to me. You've been working up a storm."

I cracked another egg, this time not missing the bowl. "Yeah, well, I've been in a better mood the past few days I guess."

Zoe was quiet for a second. I looked over to see her hiding a grin.


"Oh, nothing," she said glowingly. "I'm just happy that you and Troye are getting along." She sounded like she was about to wink but then she didn't.

"Yeah. Yeah, me too," I said, and I really meant it.

"Hey, Connor!" Aaron, one of the staff members, came rushing into the kitchen. "We're getting really crowded. Could you help out at the cashier?"

"Yeah sure," I gave Zoe a quick glance and she nudged for me to go.

"I can handle it."

I noticed a familiar face in the line. He looked over at me with an uncontrollable smile.

"Hey Troye," I said. He stepped up to the counter. Our eyes just held there, both of us trying to hide our smiles. I didn't have to ask him to know what he wanted. I poured hot coffee into the mixer, then a large helping of ice and finally plenty of milk. I grabbed a blueberry muffin and popped it into a pink paper bag, lettered in gold with the name of the bakery. "Here you go."

He looked down quickly, grinned, and slid me a 5 dollar bill. "Keep the change."


I lay awake in bed, staring out into blackness.

"Can't sleep?"

I looked over to see Bethany standing in the doorway, backlit by the hallway lights. I shook my head.

She smiled. "Maybe we can do something . . .?"

I knew what she wanted. "Not right now," I said bluntly. I felt like adding "or ever" but the words never left my mouth.

"Oh, okay." She sounded disappointed. It hurt a bit. She crawled up to the bed and shuffled until she was laying down next to me.

"Goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too," I said. It was a solemn I love you. It was a sad I love you. It wasn't what I wanted an I love you to be like. I think she felt it too.

We didn't cuddle. I didn't wrap my arm around her and she didn't try to get closer. We just laid there until we fell asleep, lost in our separate minds.

I woke up and she was gone. Well, not gone, she was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She turned around and gave me quick smile.

That was the first time I didn't kiss her good morning.

Dreams & Disasters || Tronnor auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin