chapter 15

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The next week flies by and now Liam and I are sitting in a train car heading home. The whole way he's being such a tease, rubbing my leg and whispering in my ear.

"Liam stoooop." I whine out.

"I'm sorry baby, you're just so irresistible." He says smirking and kissing my forehead. As he does that the train lets out a loud noise and starts to slow down.

"We're almost there! Are you ready to meet your daughter?" I whisper to him.

"Daughter? I am ready to meet my son."

"Yea, I don't think so. I picked it out its a girl."

"But I chose for it to be a boy. Get on my level." He says laughing and I can't help but to just roll my eyes at him.

We load all of our things in the trolly and walk out to meet Karen waiting for us in our Range Rover. The security loads our things into the boot and we thank them then hop in. Liam taking over the driver's side and I allow Karen to sit in the front with her son as I climb in the back.

"You know, I read online that you should put the car seat in the middle if the car." I say as we make our way to the doctors. It's a good hour drive from where we are now.

"That seems reasonable." Liam responds, "now which way do I take?"

"Take this motorway like we would to go home but turn left when you would right." I instruct.

"Audrey, you must be dead tired, get some rest dear." Karen says. I decide to listen to her and lay down across the back seats and nap until we get to the office.

"Audrey, Audrey. Baby, we're here princess." I hear as a hand starts to rub up and down my back. I open my eyes to see Liam and his mum standing above me. I gradually make my way out of the car and stretch before walking inside hand in hand with my husband.

"You know, it's been a miracle that nobody has gotten pictures of me coming and leaving this place." I whisper to Liam as we walk into the building.

"Better not jinx us." He says laughing.

"That'd be just my luck!" As we enter the building I sign in and am quickly taken back into a room. As I wait on the doctor the nurse does her normal routine and I sit back and watch her as she messes with my body.

"Okay doll, the doctor will be here in a few." She says walking out. Not even 10 minutes of her saying that the doctor comes in.

"Hello Audrey, I will be your doctor for the rest of your time here. My name is Dr. Grammar. Do you have any questions?"

"Uhh.. no sir."

"Perfect! Now, I'm going to ask you a few things. One, any pain or morning sickness?"

"No more morning sickness, that has passed by I'll get a pain every now and again."

"Okay, and this is your four month check up correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay, are you taking any medications?"


"Have you been given any prenatal vitamins?"

"Not from here."

"I'll write you a prescription for that then. You will need to take two a day. One in the morning and the other at night." He tells me and I nod to say I understand

"Let's see... I think that's all I need. Everything else is filled out perfectly. Now, if you wouldn't mind lay back and slip your shirt off." As I lay back Liam rolls a rolling chair over to my table and sits beside me taking my hand in his. I look over at him and smile as he squeezes my hand and grins back. The doctor seems to just notice him then.

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