chapter 19

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*Gillian's pov*

As I make my way out of the bathroom and through Zayn and my shared flat I stop in front of the mirror and examine myself. I look tired and my green eyes have bags under them. I take in a deep breath then make my way out onto the porch to find Zayn. As I walk out he's sitting in a chair taking a drag from his cigarette. I walk over to him and he outstretches his arms for me to sit in his lap and I do so. As he takes another drag of his cig I just sit there and watch the clouds pass bye.


"Yea baby?"

"I love you, I really do. I never thought I would find somebody as amazing as you and well, here you are. God, you just, I just don't feel like I tell you I love you enough."

"I love you to baby. You are the most amazing woman I've ever met and I know I'd be nowhere without you. Marry me?"

"You're just saying that." I say giggling.

"Gillian, look at me." He says putting out his cig and taking my face into his hand and bringing it up to him. He gently kisses me before whispering, "I mean it. Marry me."

"I can't wait to." I whisper back.

"Good. Now?"

"Uhh..." I start to say with shaking hands, "it's umm- it's positive." He doesn't say anything for a second just stares at me. Speechless and I can't quite read his emotions.

"We uhh- well we..." I start to say when I can't quite figure out how he feels. Does he hate me? This?

"Don't you dare even say it Gillian. I love you. God, this- this is amazing."

"You're not upset?" I ask when he says he's happy.

"I'm gonna be a dad! How can I be upset?"

"I guess because you still have your whole career in front of you."

"Gil, that doesn't matter. What does is that I have you and now this baby. We're gonna have a family!"

"But- we don't like have to tell my parents do we?" I ask making him laugh.

"They may wonder, but we don't have to until you want to."

"Can we tell cheek first? I was one of the first one's she told..." when I say this he just gives me the most confused look ever.

"Zayn, Audrey and Liam are having a baby. Well... babies. But baby, you can't say anything! They're gonna tell you boys soon."

"Wait, so Audrey is pregnant? With twins?" I shake my head yes.

"When did you find out?"

"On the train ride last month. She's four months." A smile spreads across his face then.

"That's really good. I'm happy for them."

"But Zayn, you have to act surprised!"

"Don't worry I will." We exchange another kiss then get up.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Bed. Care to join me?" I ask smirking and he jumps up and is right behind me.

"I think we need to do a little celebrating." He whispers into my ear before picking me up and running to the bedroom with me laughing.

*Liam's pov*

It's now almost 11 am and Audrey is still sleeping! I mean sure jet lag got us but I still woke up a hour ago. I want to wake her to spend the day with her but I also don't want to disturb her. So, as I lay there watching her sleep I start to rum her stomach and sing a little.

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