chapter 34

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*Audrey's pov*

As the night goes on I make my way up the steps and into the nursery with Gillian trailing behind me. I first open the door to the girls room and step inside turning the lights on. Gillian has offered to help me start to unpack the bag loads and boxes of clothes that I have already purchased. All along the crib were bags from stores and boxes from where things had been shipped.

"Okay, just snip the tag and throw them on the rug and we'll make a pile." I tell Gillian grabbing a handful of bags before walking over to my little girls dresser that has doubled into a changing table. I take out a stack of clothes and lay them down throwing the bag into it's own pile before stacking up the rest of the clothes from the other bags.

"I really love this cheek. It's beautiful!" Gillian says looking around the room.

"Thanks babe. I think I have everything that I want in here except for when we finally settle on a name. I'm gonna get blocks of the letters and paint them in a cool pattern and hang them above her bed. His too, but I already have the blocks for him."

"Ohh, you should let me see them!" I laugh at her desperation to find out his name.

"In 3 months." I say sticking to my grounds.

"Ughh, fine!"

As I cut the tags off of the clothes I go ahead and grab up the first pile and take it downstairs to the basement to wash. It's difficult having all of the bedrooms being used on the top floor while the washer is on the bottom. It's a workout. Once I get to the basement I start to fill the washer with the onsies, pyjamas, socks, and other little outfits. After I have the max amount loaded I grab a bottle of baby detergent that I have on the top shelf of supplies. I fill up with the soap and start my load.

I am not quite sure why but I wanna just cry as I watch her clothes spin around and around. I wonder if it's because this is my first ever load of baby clothes being washed, meaning that this is real and really happening. I pull my much shorter hair into a small hold behind my head and wipe away the tears falling from my eyes now. I snap a quick picture of the washing machine and upload it to instagram with the caption:

Should I really be getting emotional watching my baby girls clothes wash? I can't believe this is reallll! 😍Thanks Liam for all of your help 😘💏

I don't know, this is just a really big deal for me! After I make sure I'm fine I go back upstairs to where Gillian is. Peaking my head into the nursery I see her holding up the clothes and examining them. I wonder if she's thinking about her own growing baby? Not wanting to disturb her moment I turn around and go back into Liam and my bedroom. I rip the sheets and duvet from the bed then shed the pillows of their cases. After this load of clothes I'll just wash our bed sheets so we can come home to a fresh bed. Leaving the bedroom with another handful of material to be washed I make my way back down to the basement and throw the covers into a pile.

"How excited are you for the babies to come? Is it more excitement or fear?" Gillian ask me as I sit in the floor of mine and Liam's baby girl's room.

I've now been sitting in the floor folding clothes and putting them away for the past hour. We just got done cutting tags off of the clothes and now have about 3 baskets of clean clothes that need to be hung and put away.

"I'm nervous as fuck but at the same time I want them here with me right now. I'm tired of all the aches and pains and nausea but for them I'd go through it a million years."

"Cheek... I think you are going to be hands down the best mum ever, exactly like your own mum." As she says that I just stop what I'm doing and look up at her.

"Do you really think so?" I ask barley audible.

She kneels down to me, "I do know." As she says that I throw my arms around her and sob into her shoulder.

"I miss them so much and it's absolutely killing me." I confess.

*Gillian's pov*

As she sobs those words onto my shoulder I tighten my hold onto her. "I know baby, I know." The room goes silent from talking for a few minutes until Audrey finally speaks up.

"They weren't here for my Marc offer, my dating life, the real heartbreaks, my engagement, wedding and now to see their grandchildren. Why does this have to happen to me? Gillian, sometimes I feel like I rushed into things so I could fill the pain of not having my parents here with me. I'm scared that I'm gonna screw up these kids lives and Liam's." I can't even think of words to comfort her. Just everything she's saying is flooding my head, finally she seems to have come to her breaking point.

"Cheek, do you love Liam?" I finally manage to ask, pulling away so I can face her.

"More than anything." Her mascara stained face replies.

"Then you didn't screw up anything. He loves you so much, everyone can see it. The way he's always in a good mood around you, the way his eyes light up and his smile gets wider. The hidden glances he always steals when you aren't paying attention. Cheek, this boy is head over heels in love with you. I promise you haven't messed anything up. Promise me that you'll never think that again!" She shakes her head to say that she understands.

"No, cheek promise."

"I promise." She sniffles out. I pull her back in for another hug.

After our intimate moment in the floor we finished what we were doing and then started to get our stuff ready to go to the airport. Now, we're here and going to meet Kevin and Phil, security. Good thing they were here to help us because even though it's three in the morning the airport is filled to the max of screaming girls. I'm sure everyone who isn't behind the barriers of fangirls are very appreciative of the ruckus at this time of the day. They are screaming as if the boys are going to walk out at any minute, hate to disappoint you but it's only us losers today.

As Audrey and I walk side by side we hold hands, something to comfort us both. The more we walk I just hear people screaming things at us. Either it be how they love our friendship, how our relationships with the boys are scams, how we are so cute, how we are ugly, how Audrey's bump has grown so much and is cute. One comment though, I heard and it made me stop dead in my tracks.

"So Audrey, well all know Liam isn't the dad so who is it? Go on, let him off the hook now! He doesn't want a kid and especially with you!" I know she heard it to because she squeezed my hand harder. As I stopped I looked over to where the comment came from.

"Who said that?" I asked trying to keep my cool. Some girl in the very front of the barrier raises her hand, making me laugh.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask her and she shakes her head to respond.

"Ohh, okay so now you can't talk. Great. Anyway, what makes you think that Audrey's baby isn't Liam's? I mean, please explain to me because I'm very curious and definitely amused." I can see Audrey out of the corner of my eye becoming tense.

"Come on, she's a whore and everyone knows that her relationship is fake! She's always with that other guy when Liam is gone away on tour." I laugh out loud.

"She's a whore? I've known her my whole life and never once has she done anything to even be classified as a whore. Her relationship is fake? If it's so fake then please explain to me why she's going on three years of being married. And Connor? Also another life long friend. You know, girls are friends with guys too. And she's with Connor when Liam's home as well. Do you really think that if she's trying to sneak around she would flaunt that around to where Liam would see? Your argument is irrelevant. Goodbye." After I say this I walk away before I slap this girl, because I could feel it coming. I walk over to Audrey and grab her hand, swinging it, and walk away.

"Thank you." She says as we look ahead to where we're going.

"Anything for you baby. I do it because I love you and some people are so full of shit." I quickly plant a kiss to her cheek before we load up our luggage and walk to get on the plane.

sorry this was so short but I hope you still enjoyed it (:

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