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When I came back I looked around to find myself in the back of an emergency vehicle. Liam nor the twins were there and I didn't know what was going on. A lady was typing away on some type of machine, not noticing I had awoken. When I opened my mouth to make a noise nothing came out. Oh god, what happened to me? No, I don't even care about that. What happened to the twins? To Finn? To Liam? Where are they?

After a minute the woman caught my attention and introduced herself as Mina. I tried to get out the words to ask her if my children were okay, if my husband was okay; but all I could do was open my mouth. She seemed to know what I needed to ask.

"You're going to be fine, ma'am. You were cut by the glass of the window shattering but nothing severe."

"Where's my babies?" I was finally able to push out.

"They're in front of us with your husband. They're okay. Your son is okay and your daughter has a few scratches but nothing major."

"What happened?"

"A freight truck came over in your lane and hit your car. I assume he didn't see you. The car was hit on the passengers side. You were turned around covering your son." She explained.

I covered Finn? I got to him in time? I was so scared when I saw that truck coming over that I didn't know what to do, but I knew I needed to protect him.

"And Lila?" I cry.

"She was cut from some of the glass that came over. She's okay, she's going to be okay. We're just taking you to the hospital now to have a quick check up. Her injuries could have been worse but luckily they weren't. The top of the carrier prevented the glass from getting in your daughters face. You saved your son by covering him. If you hadn't, things could have ended pretty badly."

As she gets me caught up on all if this information I can't help but cry. The fact that Lila is hurt, even if it's nothing major, kills me. I don't know what I would have done if I'd lost one of my babies. No, I can't think like that. I have both of them and they're fine and that's all that matters.

I sit up in the bed that I'm on. My head is throbbing and my shoulders and the top of my arms hurt, but that's all. I feel around my lap for my phone before finding it in my pocket and taking it out. I look over at Mina but she's back to typing out something. I text Liam to see how he is

To: Liam xxx

How are the babies? And you?

No sooner than I sent the text I got a reply from him.

From: Liam xxx

Oh my god, Audrey. I'm so sorry. It just came out of no where and Lila's hurt and I don't know what to do.

I felt so bad for him. I know Liam and I know he's blaming himself, when it wasn't even his fault. The truck was all at fault, he just came over.

To: Liam xxx

Baby, it's okay. They're going to be okay. Don't blame yourself because it was not your fault. How are you? Did you get hurt?

From: Liam xxx

Lila's cut up on her arms. I'm okay, I'm just worried about her and you! The car is totaled. I don't know how all of this happened. It's all my fault!

To: Liam xxx

Take deep breaths baby. I'm okay, she's going to be okay. The paramedic told me she was going to be just fine. I don't care about all of that other stuff all I'm worried about is you guys.

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