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I couldn't tell you how long we sat there in the car, me just holding her. I didn't care either. All that meant to me at that moment, and every moment, was Audrey's happiness. And if I could give it to her just by holding her in a car on the side of the road, I would.

When Audrey finally moved from me, and back into her seat, a cold rush replaced the spots her warm body had been. I look over to her and see a faint smile ghosting her lips. Just such a simple expression brought so much joy to me because it has been forever since I've seen her smile. I take her hand in mine and give it a gentle squeeze before starting the car and start back on the motorway again.

~Audrey's pov~

I stare out at all of the open fields outside of the window as we go down the road. I know exactly where we are going, and I'm happy. I know Liam's trying to help as best as he can and to be honest, he's doing amazing. I haven't felt like this is years and it sucks. I thought things would be good now. I've forgiven my past, accepted my present, and started a family.

I didn't plan on things turning out the way they did. They just kind of happened. I'm glad Liam didn't bail either. Not like all together, but for the time being. The therapy today didn't help any, and I knew it wouldn't. What did was just the simple fact of knowing Liam is there for me no matter what.

I knew the therapy was just a waste of time and money but if Liam felt like he was helping by sending me then I would do it for him. I don't want to face the fact that I have problems like this, and I surly don't want to tell someone else about them that doesn't need to know. I'm always terrified of the though that word of my problems will get out and soon everyone will know about them. I just want to try and live the most normal life possible for someone in my situation and don't want everything about me or my family publicised.

As Liam puts on his signal and pulls into Gillian's driveway my heart starts to pound. I've missed my best friend so much and I need to see her. Other than Liam, she is someone I will always turn to and I know will always be there for me.

As the car is put in park I jump out of the passengers side and basically sprint up the front steps. I ring the doorbell and wait for an answer. Not standing there to long I hear voices then Gillian opens the door. Without saying a word yet, she throws her arms around me and wraps me into the biggest embrace.

"I've missed you." I whisper into the hug.

"I've missed you too, cheek." She says before pulling away and bringing me inside. She takes me by the hand and leads me up the steps into her and Zayn's room.

"We're going to go talk, Zayn!" Gillian yells over her shoulder.

I turn around to see Liam just now getting up the front steps and Zayn walking from the living room to meet us. I wave at him and he waves back with a smile before I disappear into the upstairs.

Gillian and Zayn just recently purchased this house to upgrade from their last. They say they need more space for when the baby comes, but I don't see how that's possible. They went from a six bedroom, three story house to a seven bedroom, three story house. Not much is different besides the view and that one room. I wouldn't blame them though. This house is a lot different from their old one, but in a good way.

As we make our way into the living room upstairs and take a seat on the couch Gillian gives me another hug.

"Talk to me." She says.

"I had this nightmare a couple of weeks ago that has been haunting me to no end." I confess.

"About him?"

"About I don't know! Andy said he didn't do anything. We talked and he confessed. I don't know weather to believe him or not, but I mean he sounded just as shocked as ever. I'm trying to think really hard back to what happened but I just can't.

Promises. (Stay. sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant