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*Liam's pov*

Audrey has been lying asleep in the bed for about two hours now. I don't want to wake her up, she looks so content and peaceful, just lying there all balled up. I slowly crawled out of the bed and leave the bedroom, gently closing the door behind me. Before I close the door all of the way I look back at Audrey and smile.

I walk down the stairs and all the way into the basement to my recording studio. I've been telling Audrey that various artist have been asking me to help them when in reality I've been recording personal songs. A while ago I started writing songs about Audrey and so for the past few weeks I've been locking myself into my studio when Audrey was at work and then some, so I could record my songs. For Christmas I plan on giving Audrey a cd of songs all wrote for her or covered for her. One of my favourite songs I wrote for Audrey I names What You Thought You Need. (It's by Jack Johnson if you'd like to go listen to it!)

When I have everything for my present ready I slip it into a little bag and walk back up the steps and set it under the tree. The clock on the wall reads past midnight so I decide now I should wake Audrey up to lay out the twins' presents. I made sure I really hid my gift though; I want to surprise her in the morning.

*Audrey's pov*

I feel something rubbing me and little talking. I try to ignore the pestering but it just keeps happening and I want to wake up to swat it. When I open my eyes I see Liam leaning above me rubbing my head.

"What are you doing?" I yawn out.

"I thought you would want to help me put out presents." He smiles to me.

"What time is it? Were you asleep to?"

"Past midnight and no babe I was just laying here with you while you slept."

I sit up in the bed and stretch my arms up and legs out and let out a yawn. Today has been so busy that I just knocked out. I climb out of bed and Liam chuckles at my clumsiness but I just ignore him and smirk.

This year we didn't really have to hide the presents because the twins aren't at that age to look for them yet so I just stuck them in the spare bedroom. Liam and I walk down the hall together and start getting handfuls of presents. I grab as many of the unwrapped gifts as I can and Liam gets the wrapped ones. Again, we didn't really go all out because the twins won't really remember this Christmas.

When we get downstairs I sit all of my presents to the side while Liam decorates under the tree with colourful boxes. After a few trips everything is downstairs and I work on situating the gifts under the tree while Liam opens boxes. Growing up for me, my parents never wrapped Santa's gifts, they would make it look like he came and set up all of the toys for them, so that is what we decided to do.

I sit a baby doll into a stroller that we had gotten Lila and beside that stroller is a baby crib and diaper bag full of things. She is so into babies, that's all she talks about. For Finn, we sat out a train track and got the trains situated on it.

"The real surprise won't get here until the morning. Harry said he would bring it before they would get up." Liam tells me.

The real surprise. I can't believe that I actually allowed Liam to talk me into this one. I don't even know how the twins are going to react. I mean I think they're going to love it but it's going to take some time getting adjusted to.

"Tell me, how in the world did I let you talk me into this?" I ask him.

"Because we all wanted one." He smiles over at me before taking my hand and we head back up to our bedroom.

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