Chapter one: My Life

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Waking up feels normal to everybody, that is except me. When I wake up, I feel the need to have something, or someone, but I'm too far away from ever getting it. Waking up is contagious to me, once someone awakens, everyone else does. In case your wondering, who I am, I'm Silver, a white hedgehog who lives in Washington D.c. I live in an apartment, nothing too special, just a living room with a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. I share this house with a close friend of mine, Blaze, Blaze the cat. I've known her since junior high school and we've kinda been friends ever since. We used to live in a town not far from Orlando Florida, but we moved here for a better future, well Blazes better future to be exact. She is actually an assistant writer for the local paper, better than I, since I am writing to you. Even though she's only an assistant, it's better than what she ever got back in Florida. What's my profession you ask? Well I'm more of a singer or guitarist, or probably just some singer. I did take a course once but I had to drop out and now I just do things like YouTube and stuff, however I'm not as popular as people like other famous musicians.

Anyways, enough of me talking crap. I walk out of my bedroom door and it feels kind of cold, well it is winter right now. I realise Blaze isn't here, but it's not that much of a surprise, I normally get out of bed after she goes to work. I'm not really a morning person, most of the time, I'm not hungry enough to have some breakfast, I just have some juice or maybe some coffee if I'm in the mood. So yeah, I just sit in my apartment most of the time. Sometimes I do go for walks, I see people in random situations, which kinda helps with my songs a bit. But today, I just decided to have some orange juice and watch the morning news. Sometimes the news bothers me, people now days are so, what's the word, controversial. I hear things about, gay rights, racism and terrorism, which really bothers me. Can't we just all love in peace? Can't we all just be who we want to be without any harm? Is it really that hard these days? People think that being homosexual is wrong and unnatural, but it really isn't. We are all different people, lets just learn to get along.

I hear the doorbell ring, but it's really a knock, I'm just saying that because the doorbell is just a cliche used in a lot of books to sound better. I walk towards the door and opened it.
"Hey Silver! How's life?" it's Tails, one of our next door neighbours.
"Nothing special, just the morning blues." I invite him in for a drink or something. Me and Blaze have grown a close friendship with our neighbours and we just usually talk to them every morning. Tails lives next door to us, with another guy called Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. Tails is a fox and is an engineer. He's probably one of the smartest people I have ever met.
"So how's the new song going? Working on something?" he said.
"Well, I'm just trying to get ideas but something will spark inside my brain. So when do you go back to university again?" oh yeah, forgot to mention that Tails is in university, or college, whatever you want to call it. This is his last year anyway and I'm almost certain he's gonna get a Ph.D. or something, I don't know science stuff so don't ask me about it.
"In two weeks. But this year I only got half a year, cause it's my last year in college." Tails goes to Washington University which is a pretty fancy place to study. Tails used to live in Minneapolis but moved here so he could go study here. I think he's lived here for three years. While we were both talking, I see Sonic come here.
"Hey guys!" he said. Tails and I said hi back. Sonic is an artist but he used to play a lot of sport in high school. Tails and Sonic have been best buds since they were in elementary school. They both moved here for more opportunities because they thought Minneapolis didn't have many big breaks. Sonic is more of a painter and sometimes his paintings are worth slot of money, but he says he doesn't do it for money. Sonic also likes travelling a lot and sometimes brings us with him. Last time we went to Australia and it was actually pretty nice there. It isn't really what people say it is, it's very multicultural so you don't hear everyone saying words like "mate" or any other slang. But the place I remember the most is the Philippines! It's actually a really good place for a holiday, probably even better than Indonesia. It has good cities and good nature and everybody there is happy.
"How's Blaze doing?" Sonic asked while I was zoned out for awhile.
"She's alright, she's still looking for a place to study." Blaze has been applying for universities in Washington. She didn't get into one of them however she applied for another one. She will find out if she gets it in spring, however she hasn't yet told me where this place is. I'm still happy for her, she's perusing her dreams and I'm proud of that. In my perspective, if there is no dream to follow in your life, there is really no purpose in living at all. If you really don't have one, what's the point.
"I hope she gets into one." said Tails.
"Yeah, she really deserves it." said Sonic, chiming into the conversation. "But what if she gets into one where she has to move out?" Tails said.
"Don't worry, I just want the best for her." But it's not the best for me.

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