Chapter Six: Wide Awake

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I spent the whole night lying in my bed. My eyes couldn't close and my brain couldn't stop thinking. Why does the world treat me like this! Out of all the strange lives, mine is one of the strangest. I hated my days as a teen, I defiantly was the odd one out. I just keep remembering my past a lot, and I never liked it. My grandma said I shouldn't think of myself so badly, and I take on that advice sometimes. I wish she was still here, to hug me when I needed it. She passed when I was thirteen and I was probably the closest to her. She was a nice woman, always looked out for people and always believed in world peace, like I did. If the world was in peace for just day, no hate, no crime, just love, I would want to be there. Unfortunately, it's never going to happen. It was grandmas wish, she told me to try to make it come true, even if it was seen as impossible. Since that day, I always seem nice around people.

Anyways, I was lying in my bed, my phone saying 4:30am. I just can't sleep, it happens but sometimes you don't know how to manage it. I'm sure half the people in Washington right now. When I was little, I just went in our backyard and sat there for a few minutes, maybe I should do that again, to pass time. I got out of my bad and put a woollen coat and some pants with gloves and a scarf, it's still winter here. I didn't bother to look at my quills and comb them, there's really no need at this time of the day. I quietly stepped outside of my apartment, closing the door slowly so I don't disturb anyone and made my way to the elevators. Once I got to the bottom floor, I knew it was a cold night. I just started to walk to the park. People were already awake at this time, whether it was work related or just going for a jog, which I saw a few doing it. It actually feels nice walking this early, it may be cold but you will get used to it and there are cafes open at this time. I decided to get a coffee, try to keep me up.

I walked around the park, just hearing the small sound of nature and the city life. Even if city was everywhere, there will always be nature somewhere inside it. I saw a lot of joggers and other walkers, however one caught my eye.
"Silver? Why you up so early?" I saw sonic behind me, who must have been doing his early jogs, but I never new he did it this early in the morning.
"Couldn't sleep. You?" Wow Silver, stupid question.
"Just doing my morning jog. It's nice to come out here early isn't it?"
"Sure is, never seen the city like this." I said, just taking another look at it all.
"But wow, surprised you are up this early! What kept you up?" he asked while we started walking together, because it was cold.
"Stuff, my mind just can't relax, a lot of stuff in my mind." I say, kinda quieter than before.
"What stuff. You know you can tell me." I signed after he said this. I know what to say, I just don't know at the same time.
"It's... it's Blaze. I'm worried for her. I don't know what's going inside her. But the thing is, I like her." I said slowly in an anxious voice.
"I don't know either, and I already know you to are great friends, she will tell you..."
"I don't like her, as a friend. It's the other meaning." There you go Silver, you said it. (Wow I need to stop talking to myself, or thinking to myself.)
"So, it's the love like, the love version?" Sonic says. I sighed again.
"Yeah, but I just don't know what to do." wow, I sound like a dork saying these things.
"Well, Silv. My mother always told me that if you want something, go for it." he smiles at me, it's great advice, I've heard of it a lot, but it's true. I want things, but one of them has to come true.
"You know Sonic, I couldn't have asked for a better friend." I said to him while he grinned.
"No prob bud." he said, patting my back.

The both of us got back to the apartments at about 6:30am and the sun was about to rise. Blaze was already awake when I came back.
"Where were you? It's early." she said while making breakfast. I'm not surprised she's shocked, I normally wake up way earlier.
"I couldn't sleep." I said, wow it feels awkward between us now.
"And you went where?"
"Just for a walk, it's actually nice if you have a coat on." Yep, I sound like an idiot. Blaze just continued on with her thing, I felt like I needed to ask her about why she's so uncomfortable.
"Ummm, Blaze?" I said, nervously.
"Um, yeah?" she just kept looking at her toast.
"I've just gotta ask..." why does this have to be so hard!?
"Yeah...?" she said in a strange way. I signed and just decided to let it out.
"Why have you been avoiding me lately?" there I said it. Blaze just sighed and kinda sat down in her chair.
"Silver. It's hard to tell you but.... I got into a college" I didn't say anything, but why is it something to be ashamed about, but I kinda knew there was gonna be a twist.
"Although you may think that's good but... it's in San Francisco." I looked at her, yeah I'm proud of her, but doesn't that mean that she has to move? Will she leave me?
"So, it's gonna hard cause... I have to move there."
"Oh" I looked, well I actually don't know how I look, but I was shocked.
"I'm sorry but, I have to move there." she said, it was obvious she wasn't comfortable with it.
"Hey, it's ok. It's what you want to do. I'll be fine here, I've got the others." I said, even if it wasn't exactly true.
"Yeah, it's what you want, you've been wanting this your whole life!" Blaze looked at me, happy and sad at the same time. She ran over to me and hugged me.
"Silver, I'm so glad to have you in my life." We both hugged for awhile, as friends.

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