Chapter two: Friendship

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If there's one thing you need more than shelter, air and water, its good company, whether it be your friends or your family or maybe just a Facebook friend. Without some sort of person there to take care of you, no one is there to comfort you when you need it, help you when you've hit rock bottom or love you when you need to be loved. I'm really thankful for my friends, sure they are quirky and maybe sometimes act like crazy people, but they are still friends, that's all. My dad always said when I was trying to find friends, your friend doesn't have to be like you, it can be someone completely different.

Anyways, after Tails, Sonic and I had out little morning chat like always, we went for a walk down Lafayette square, which was just in front of the White House. I've seen Sonic's painting of the White House and it is gorgeous. The painting actually sold for two thousand dollars, and that's pretty much how Sonic and I went for a trip to New York for a week. But he really does have a great talent.
"I wonder what happens in there.' said Tails as he was looking at the White House. My phone started buzzing and saw it was from Blaze. I picked it up.
"Hey." I said, what a great answer to a phone hey!
"Hey," she said, in a calm voice.
"What's going on?" I said back. I knew there wasn't anything major going on, she seemed just fine at the other end of the phone.
"I might have to stay late tonight. There is an urgent story here that we have to cover."
"Oh ok then, so I will see you when?"
"Probably at nine. So I'm just gonna have Chinese for dinner."
"Ok, we'll see you."
"Ok bye." she hung up the phone. Sonic and Tails were taking pictures of the Whitehouse, well Sonic was taking serious ones while Tails was just taking selfies with the fountains and the Whitehouse.
"Hey Silv, who was that?" he asked, just as he took a photo of the buildings.
"Nothing, it was just Blaze, she's gonna have to stay late." I never really know what having a serious job feels like, and I say serious jobs because I just used to work at Wallmart or something so it really wasn't that big of a deal. I liked it when I was younger, no jobs, no bill to worry about, just pure relaxing. But getting older is life, and I understand that. But sometimes it just completely sucks.

The three of us were walking in a street, which I forgot the name of, that had shops so it was one of those shopping streets. We just decided we were going to stop and get a coffee at the first cafe we see.
"Sonic! Is that you?" We all look behind and I saw a pink hedgehog walking up to sonic.
"Oh, hey Amy! Long time no see." said Sonic. I've actually never seen her before, so I can't really talk about her personality and stuff.
"Um Sonic, Who's this?" I said in confusion.
"Oh, this is Amy Rose, a friend of mine who went to my old high school. Amy this is Silver and you remember Tails right?" Tails and I waved back at her.
"Oh yeah, I remember Tails. Hi!" Amy seems like a quirky person. Again, I've never seen her or heard about her, but she does seem like a pretty nice person.
"So, umm, Silver is it?" she says, looking at me, smiling.
"Um. Yeah."
"How do you know these guys?"
"Oh, well I'm just their next door neighbour." I said,
"Wow, my next door neighbour is so annoying. You just hear him having parties. I would move out but me and my roommate don't have the money." she said, toning down her voice.
"Oh, that must suck." I said. Back when I was living in Florida, I didn't really have any bad next door neighbours. Even though I don't know exactly how it feels like, I know it does suck, I've seen on reality Tv shows. But thank god my neighbours now are pretty nice people, and by neighbours I of course mean Sonic and Tails. I don't think I would be who I am without them. They kind of taught me a few things, and I returned the favour. They told me to not think of the bad side of life and focus on what you do in your good side, because that's all that really matters, right?

The three, well four of us, if you count Amy, walked to our apartments. Sonic invited Amy to his place to talk. Tails just went to his room and watched some Tv. I stayed with Sonic and had a Pepsi. I kinda used this time to get to know Amy. Its probably the best you can do when you meet new people.
"So Silver, where are you from?" she asked, while I sipped some of my drink.
"I came from Florida and I moved here with my friend. We both thought there was more opportunities over here."
"Who's your roommate?"
"Her name is Blaze. She's at work right now and.."
"Her? Aww how cute." she said, wait, does she think we are dating? If she is, it isn't true. I wanted it to happen but I knew it was never going to happen. I'm just Silver, a person with a lot of flaws that people won't find great about me. That's why Blaze is never going to see me the way I see her.
"What? No no, it's not like that."
"Oh, sorry." she said, however she gave me a look like she was saying oh really.
All of us chatted for awhile, just things about our lives and what we do. I learnt that Amy is an author say that may help me in writing to you, reader. After we were chatting for a while, I went back to my apartment and just had an apple pie. I still kept thinking about Blaze. I'm not good enough for her. I'm Silver, the Silver that has all the flaws that I'm not proud of, the one she won't want to be with forever.

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