Chapter 2: And it Only Gets Worse...

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I lay alone in my room for what seems like hours before my dad finally comes up. He knocks on my door tentatively, as if he's not sure it's the right one. I don't even answer. Part of me wants to know why he acted that way, but part of me is terrified, scared of the truth. He knocks again, then stumbles in the door. I can smell the alcohol on his breath from across the room. It reminds me of the times I had to pick him up from the bar early in the morning. He used to drink a lot, but he hadn't for a couple of months, that's what scared me the most.

"Pack your bags," he orders. I stare at him, surprise in my eyes. What is going on? I don't move from my position on the bed. "Pack your bags, now! Don't look at me like that! Leave!" He shouts louder, slurring quite a bit. I get up and grab my suitcases. I don't know what else to do as I throw my things in my bags.

"What's going on?" I ask as I finish packing one drawer and open a new one. He's slumped in the door frame trying his best not to cry. I want to go to him, but something keeps me away. He looks at me with a frightening anger clearly shown in his cloudy blue eyes. I pause staring at him. He had never been a mean drunk, actually usually he was a very funny drunk with all of his silly stories. "Daddy?" I ask, retreating back to my little girl days.

"You're marrying someone soon. You gotta pack. You gotta go. I can't do anything. Don't ask me to!" he mumbles just clear enough that I catch the words but don't believe them. They don't sink in at all...engaged? To who? I don't have to ask. He answers that, "Damn demon! I would've killed that bastard! Taking my baby girl! Doesn't have any right!"

I sink to my knees in disbelief. I have always believed in true love. My dad is giving me away freely to someone he considers a demon?! I don't believe it! "Daddy! Stop!" I scream at him as his mumbling continues. All he can talk about is this stupid demon who is taking me away. I don't understand any of it. I feel the tears start to well up. I feel like cuddling with an old teddy bear and watching sappy musicals. I don't want to face whatever my dad is muttering about. I want to call Darla or Emily. I want someone just to tell me what in the world is going on!

Suddenly Dad gets really silent. He comes over to me and hugs me really tight. I almost choke with the intense smell of alcohol on his breath and clothes. He just holds me, which makes the tears flow. We're both standing there crying for at least ten minutes, before we notice that we are no longer alone. The scary guy is back and he doesn't look happy.

I notice him first, as he stands in the doorway to my room. I happen to glance up and see him. I scream, scaring my dad. I'm released and pushed behind the frail frame of my suddenly protective father. I can almost imagine the sneer on his face as he faces the evil looking man. I want to protect my dad, but I have no idea what's going on. I thought the man had left. Why is he back?

"I'm ready for her," the evil man sneers out. His voice drips boredom and something about it makes me cold. I feel goose bumps grow on my skin. I can't help but want to run from him. He is wearing all black and his cloak flaps around him even though there is no wind to blow it. I doubt his down-turned mouth has ever been turned up in a smile in his whole life. He seems so mean.

"She's not ready. I'm not ready!" my father sputters. He's obviously upset. I can feel his grip on me tightening as the other man steps towards us. "Stay away from her! Let me explain everything to her, please..."

"Here's the deal, little girl," the evil man starts, my father seems even more upset as I tune into the man. Maybe he has the answers for me. "You are going to marry my son. Your father promised me way back when he was always drunk that I could take you on the last day of high school. That way you could be a normal human for awhile. Then you will marry my demon son and become the Queen of the Demon world!" He spits out the word human as if it was venomous. I feel my teeth chatter as he grabs my hand and orders my father to carry my bags out to the car. He practically shoves me in the back or his fancy car as he slams the car door. I can barely see out of the tinted dark windows, but I see the silhouette of my father as he stands in the driveway, watching me drive away forever. Can this get any worse? I wonder.

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