Chapter 14: A Complete Family

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It's been a couple days since the last time I saw my mystery man. I think about him all day long and dream about him all night. Nothing much is happening around the castle, except Damien sent out a search party for the mysterious girl behind the mask. So far nothing's come from it except for a lot of stupid girls pretending to be me and a ton of gossip. Apparently there are some very unhappy people who think that he should try loving me, because I'm all he should need. Right now, I'm feeling incredibly loved as article after article spills into the castle talking about what a horrible and heartless man he is if he can't even try loving such a wonderful person as me. I smile behind my hand every time I see one of them burning in the fireplace.

Today, though, we are to act like a couple as we visit the orphanages around the city. This will be interesting as he seems to hate me even more now. Whenever he walks into the dining room and I'm there, he turns around and walks back out. I've taken to waiting in the kitchen, practicing my Spanish with the cook, until the meal has begun, that way he can't excuse himself when I do show up. I think this has been really bothering him, but I generally don't care. Every night I put the mask and rose on my pillow just as I found it that morning. I go to bed with a smile on my face.

"Detini! Detini!" I hear Chazzy screaming down the hall. I barely have time to open the door before she bolts in. "Guess what, guess what, guess what!"

"What?" I ask, laughing a little at her antics.

"No! You have to guess!" she cries out. I smile. She does this a lot. Since that first night we've become really close. I even sneak around and help her with some of her chores if I have the time. On occasion she helps me practice soccer if the maids are willing to help us sneak out onto the field.

"The Prince just died and I'm released from my contract so you and I are going back to the human world!" I say as I always do whenever she asks me to guess. She just rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head, so I guess again. "Damien has been kicked out of the royal family and my mystery man is waiting outside on a white horse, so we can ride off into the sunset together."

"No! You always guess those!" She whines throwing her hands up in the air. "You and I have been given permission to go shopping today after your meetings at the orphanages! They closed down the entire mall for us! We don't even have to worry about money, because the shops are giving us whatever we want for 75% off and the rest will be paid for with money from the treasury!"

"Yeah!" I scream. We dance around the room singing, "We get to go shopping! We get to go shopping!" When our voices start to go hoarse, we stop and lay down on the bed for a few seconds before I remember that I need to take the hot rollers out of my hair. Chazzy helps me, even tying some pretty green ribbons in my hair that match my green summer dress.

"My darling, you look so pretty and cute! It's no wonder everyone loves you! The children are going to absolutely adore you!" Lythia says as she enters through the open door. I smile at her. She's always so sweet and motherly. "I assume Chazzy told you about your shopping spree this afternoon. Please take advantage of it. Buy anything you think you might ever want or need. It would be an insult to these people if you don't use it wisely. They're trying to show their support and admiration for you."

"Thanks Lythia! I will make sure I use it as best as I can. It wouldn't do to upset the kind people," I say slyly making her smile.

"So, do you have any questions about our visits this morning?"

"I don't think so. I love kids and I want to see them myself. These children are a part of our future. They should get every attention that all the other children receive."

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