Chapter Eight

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The field was filled with flowers before they burned. The field was filled with trees before they fell. The field was filled with people. But they all had died. Walking through the ashes of this never ending war, it was completely and utterly disgusting. Bodies, lying bloodied, and dead on the ground, spoke out to me, their spirits calling for me to help them. What had caused all of this mess? Why am I here in the first place? I had walked a long ways into the field. Screams and cries had pierced my ears, and the smell of smoke and death had made me dizzy. I reach a road, an old dirt road. A car was flipped upside down, very damaged. I walk next to the car and peek through the window of the passenger seat. A man, a tall man had been seated in the driver's seat, and a little girl, next to him. The man who I assumed was the father had his head turned to the opposite direct of which I was facing. I wanted to get a better look at him so I walked over towards his window, which was very cracked, but I could see the man clearly. I could see that this man, was my father. And the little girl on the front seat was me.

Both of us; dead.

Throwing herself up, Becca lets out a hard breath, rubbing her eyes, and letting herself know that she is awake and that it was just a dream. Another horrible, horrible dream.

It was six in the morning, the most she had slept in a long time. Her phone is pulled out of her pocket and she begins to dial in Justin's number, hoping that he will answer.

"Becca?" A very tired sounding Justin, answered the phone.

"Hey," Becca started, being as quiet as possible, "Did I wake you?"

It takes Justin a while to answer, but after a couple of seconds he replies with, "Oh uh, no, I was just uh, awake."

She knows he's lying but decides not to call him out on it. "Do you maybe want to head over to Denny's and get something to eat? I don't think we have anything here that's good."

"Sounds good. I'll get dressed and stuff and," he pauses, as muffling noises fill his silence,"I'll be there in a half an hour."

Justin arrives fourth-five minutes later dressed in a pair of grey sweat pants and a white tee-shirt. A black beanie was lazily pressed around his head.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Had to explain to my sister why I was going out at six thirty in the morning." Becca had been sitting at the corner of her bed, her head leaning up against the wall.

"It's all good," she smiles, jumping up from her bed and heading towards her closet. She hadn't cared at the moment what she looked like in front of Justin. She knew that even if she had the worst bed-hair and a gross tee-shirt on, he wouldn't care. Becca decides to slip on a grey sweatshirt and a fit pair of leggings.

Justin had been standing outside of her bathroom when she had opened up the door. He looked down at her, staring into her eyes.

"Are you going to tell me my we are going out so early?" he asks her.

"I wasn't actually planning on it," Becca's voice dimmed, as she choked on her words, slipping through Justin's gaze, and making her way towards her bed, to grab her phone.

"Another nightmare I'm guessing,"he follows Becca, sitting on her bed and grabbing her arm, motioning for her to sit down with him.

She knew he would end up making her tell him. She knew how badly he wanted to help her.

"Yes,"Becca says, "I saw myself. My younger self, in the car with my father."

With a loss of words, Justin rests his hand into hers, grabbing it, and intertwining their fingers together. She feels him lean in to her, pressing his soft lips onto her slightly dry lips, kissing her, with full meaning.

When he pulls away, his eyes never leave her's as he says,"I love you Becca."

A line of four words that had made her feel at peace. But she could not let him just say these things to her, even if he truly did mean them. Her and Justin had almost nearly just reunited. He couldn't possibly love her. After all, who could love someone so alone and broken? Who can love someone who may never be able to love another, ever again? She fears of being in love, for she tends to loose the people she loves the most.

"I...,"she takes a deep breath,  breaking her eyes from his,"I can't do this with you Justin," Becca stands from her bed, running both of her hands through her hair,"I can't love. I can't. I don't know how, and it's so hard knowing how easy it could be to loose you too,"

Justin stands, in order to get closer to Becca. He grabs both of her hands, wrapping them around him, all to release them and wrap his own hands around her small waist. She doesn't move. Justin tilts her chin up towards him so that she is looking directly at him as he hovers over her like a skyscraper compared to a doghouse.

"I will teach you. I promise. I'll show you that I can help you and I'll take care of you. I'll do whatever it takes," Justin pauses, taking a very deep breath,"I want to make you happy again."

Now, even though Becca doesn't know how to figure out what her true feelings towards Justin are. She wants to trust both him, and herself.

"Okay,"she whispers, as he leans in once more, placing a kiss on her lips.

OKAY. I'm officially back and ready to start being more active. I know this chapter probably sucks but that's what I get for taking so long to write it. I hope everyone had a splendid holiday! Please excuse all Grammar/Spelling Errors.

Until next time!

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