Koschei the Deathless

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He'd been warned not to do this and those warnings rung loud and clear in his ears as he drew out the pentagram on the wooden motel floor. It was dangerous. Very dangerous and he knew that. He was best in the business though. If anyone was going to take care of this problem it would be him. But even now he felt himself second guessing this choice. Only once before had someone attempted to take on something with this much power, resulting in their brutal murder. No one after that even dared think about trying it. They knew it was foolish. And so did he. But here he was, summoning the very creature everyone warned him against even thinking her name. 
He placed five black candles around the circle, lighting them carefully and matching each candle with a protective sigil. He was taking every precaution possible. He wasn't taking any chances of this monster harming him. He took in a deep breath, looking down at his handiwork. Making sure every line was perfect. Not a speck of dust could disrupt the chalk marks. He gave a quick nod to himself and sat down cross legged in the center of the pentagram. He closed his eyes focusing on her. He couldn't think of anything but her. He couldn't let his fear show. His mind had to be clear. Just her.
He felt a hand slip over his shoulder and down his chest, a slight purr in his ear and the warmth of breath against his skin. "Ahh. John Smith. I've heard so much about you, love." He felt a shiver run down his spine at the serpentine yet smooth voice. "I was beginning to wonder if you would have the courage to call upon me." Her hands wandered down his arms, tracing small circles and caressing him gently.
He took in a deep breath, clenching his teeth together. He was prepared for this. He knew her tricks. He knew her kind. "Koschei the deathless." He spoke, calling her by name. The name of old. Now a days she was known simply as the Mistress. Occasionally Koschei the Mistress. Both names equally as terrifying.
"Doctor Smith." She countered, her lips on his ear and a hand resting on his chest while the other fiddled with his grey curls. "Do you really think you'll succeed in this?" She questioned, chuckling a bit to herself.
He bit his tongue. She knew. Of course she knew. How could he have even considered that she might be in the dark as to what he was planning. She had always been one step ahead of him. "Perhaps." He answered, pulling away from her grasp and turning to face her.
His breath caught as he caught sight of her. He'd been warned about looking directly at her too. Of course he'd never heeded such warnings. Always shrugging them off with a laugh and muttering something along the lines of 'she's not a bloody gorgon.' Now he understood why he'd been warned.
She was gorgeous. A sort of deadly beauty to her. Inviting and tantalizing. Yet seductive and dangerous. Her eyes had a red glow to them, her long ebony curls caught in two twisting horns at her temples, and her black painted lips were parted in a smirk that revealed long fangs. She wore a tight black outfit, accentuating every curve of her body perfectly. Her position on her knees wasn't helping any either. Of course she knew that though. "Cat got your tongue, love?" She mocked, tracing a black clawed finger down his cheek. She let out a small laugh. "You know you could always give up this poisonous business. Better for your health, Doctor."
He shook his head, ridding his mind of the thoughts he had because her appearance. He knew now he wasn't prepared for this. No one could ever be fully prepared for this. Even the most self controlled man couldn't resist the urges of a succubus and the bloody creatures knew that. That's what made them so dangerous. Especially one as powerful as The Mistress. "You're here. You know what happens next, right?"
She rolled her eyes, sitting back on her heels. "Aye. I know the run around. You make a fake deal with me then try to gank me the second I get your pants off." She grinned. "Listen love. It's not going to work. And I assume you know what happened to the last poor soul that attempted it."
It was his turn to laugh. "No. That wasn't the plan at all. These sigils prevent you from harming me as long as I'm in the circle. And no. No fake deals. No deals at all actually." His fingers went to the blade hidden inside of his coat. "Just good old fashion demon hunting." He lunged at  her, careful to stay inside of the circle though.
She let out a hiss, the poisonous blade grazing her rib cage as she dodged out of the way in a sort of smokey movement. She hovered outside of the circle now, looking down on him and a hand clutching the wound on her ribs. "You fool." She shook her head, barring her fangs at him. She wanted nothing more than to attack him but she knew he was right that she couldn't harm him with those sigils present. She moved around the pentagram, stepping on one of the sigils and knocking the candle over. She drug her foot across the chalk marking ruining the sigil. "Did you really think these would stop me?" She laughed. She didn't attack however. She knew the blade in his hand could do serious damage if he managed to pierce her with it.
Her eyes went to the ceiling when  she felt a force restricting her movement as she tried to destroy the next sigil. "Devil's trap?" She muttered more to herself than anything.
He smirked standing and brandishing the knife at her. "Koschei, Koschei, Koschei." He tsked out her name, stepping closer to her. "Did you really think I wouldn't have a trap prepared for you?"
She let out a low, maniacal laugh as she easily stepped past the boundaries of the trap drawn on the ceiling. "Did you really think one of those would work on a demon of my caliber?"
He stared at her baffled. All the research he had done had said that in prior hunter meetings with her the standard devil's trap had worked just fine. "I don't understand.." He stuttered in disbelief.
She rolled her eyes. "Demons are the masters of lies. Not hard to fool a silly little Hunter like you into believing those things work on me." She lunged at his throat, her claws catching his tender skin letting blood begin to trickle down his neck. She didn't get the chance to actually wound him though, before he swung the blade at her once more. She hissed, dodging away from it again. She growled as he began to lunge for her repeatedly. "You're lucky, John Smith." She looked him over, avoiding the blade with everything she had. "You're safe. For now." And with that she vanished into a cloud of black smoke.
The hunter stared at the spot she had vanished from, shaking his head. He had been a fool to have believed he'd have a chance. Though he was beyond shocked that he was still alive and relatively unscathed save for the punctures on his throat. Nothing life threatening. He looked down at the blade in his hand. She'd avoided it at all costs and the mere scratch he'd managed to land on her seemed to have hurt her more than he'd expected. If he could trap her properly he was positive the knife could kill her. But now she would be on the high alert. Even more than she had been before.
Killing the Mistress would be no easy task. But Doctor John Smith was positive he could do it. That he would do it. He couldn't let the succubus continue to feed off of and murder innocent people. Her rain as Queen of evil would come to an end. And he would be the one to assure it. Or he'd die trying.

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