Wounds to Mend

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They were headed back to the Doctor's motel when Missy gave him a sideways look that she probably thought he missed. He wasn't entirely sure what it was about but she had to be thinking something. He'd gotten to know her enough over the past week to know that everything she did had a purpose. He let it go though. She was probably just trying to gauge his reaction to the hunt.
They pulled into the parking lot of the Doctor's motel and she parked next to his car. He didn't get out right away though and just sat there for a moment running things over in his head. "You were hurt." He began, addressing her before shifting his Steele blue eyes to look at her. "I can help you fix it up. I have a kit in my room. And getting to your back on your own won't be easy."
Missy smiled, looking over at him. "Are you inviting me in, Doctor Smith?" She asked, smiling mischievously.
He nodded slowly. "I am." He answered but was quick to add on. "To help you of course."
She grinned, turning her car off and pocketing the keys. "Then I accept." She grinned. "Your help of course."
He walked her to his room, unlocking it with only minimal problems and opened the door for her. "It's no grand hotel like you're used to..." He began but she didn't seem to mind as she strode in and sat on the edge of his bed. He smiled at her a bit before turning to close and lock the door behind him and made his way to the small bathroom to retrieve his rather extensive first aid kit. He soon joined her on the bed, setting the kit down on the side table. "You're gonna have to take this off..." He said a bit shyly in reference to her blazer and shirt.
"Come now, Doctor. We just slaughtered a nest of vampires. I know you've seen worse then a shirtless woman." She teased him, picking up on the note of shyness in his voice. She quickly shrugged out of the blazer and unpinned the cameo at her throat. She turned to him, handing him the brooch. "Please put this on the side table. I don't want it to get lost." She told him, the first hint of sentimentality he'd seen in her showing.
He gave her a nod and took the brooch, setting it down as she had asked next to the kit. She turned back around so her back was facing him as she unbuttoned her shirt and shrugged out of it, her corset now the only thing left. "Could you...?" She asked, unsure if he would be comfortable enough to unlace the undergarment. But he obliged with only slight hesitation. He was baffled though when he finally got a good look at her bare back. There were no gashes where the vampire had slashed at her, not even a trace that anything had happened. Though her clothes were torn and bloodied where it had been done. "Missy..." He began, his bafflement clear in his voice.
She didn't let him finish though as she turned to face him. She gave him a warm smile, watching his eyes rake over her. She moved her hands to the lapels of his coat, dusting them off slightly. "Must've not been as bad as we thought." She shrugged it off, trying to explain it away. But he knew better than that. Though he wasn't sure what other kind of explanation  there could be for it. He didn't get to dwell long on the matter however before her lips were on his.
He was caught a bit off guard at first, his eyes wide open. But he'd be lying if he said he hadn't wanted to kiss her from their very first meeting in the bar and soon he was kissing her back. Any thoughts of her injuries, or lack there of, as well as his own were gone. Now it was just him and Missy.
Her arms went around his neck as her teeth gently nipped at his bottom lip. He happily obliged in parting his lips for her but didn't give up the control of the kiss so easily. Sure she may have instigated it but that didn't mean he was going to be submissive to her. His hands moved to rest gently on her back against her warm, inviting skin. His tongue ran against her own in a battle for dominance; A battle he soon won as she relinquished her control and allowed his tongue to explore her mouth. In one swift motion he had her on her back and pinned beneath him without so much as breaking the passionate kiss.
She let out a small squeak at the action but didn't protest, clearly just a bit shocked. She ran her hands across his shoulders and up into his grey curls. She drew him in closer, wanting to feel more of his body heat against her bare chest.
He broke the kiss, staring down into her icy blue eyes. Both of their expressions held a slight hint of lust, not wanting the  moment to end. His chest heaved slightly as he tried to catch his breath, gazing into her eyes like his life depended on it.
A small smirk crept across her lips as she returned his gaze. She could tell he was hesitating. There was something about intimacy that made him uncomfortable or perhaps it was intimidation. Sometimes it was difficult to tell the two apart. She lifted a hand to his face, cradling his cheek gently. "It's okay." She told him reassuringly, giving him permission to do as he pleased.
Her words seemed to be just the push he needed because he dove in for an other sloppy, passionate kiss. His hands gliding down her delicate frame to rest on her hips, his fingers toying with the waist of her skirts. Her own hands working on the buttons of his shirt but she soon became frustrated with them and simply ripped the offending article of clothing open. In one movement she had both his dark blue, blood stained coat and his shirt pushed off of his shoulders and soon discarded to the floor with her own shirt and the likes.
Before long they were both bare, Missy's intricate outfit now discarded across the room with the rest of the Doctor's clothes. His hands tangled in her hair, the curls coming loose and splaying across the pillow beneath her.
He looked her over, both of their breathing now slightly labored. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" He asked, still hesitant to continue.
She nodded. "Doctor." She began, her eyes focusing on his face, watching every little emotion. "I'm positive."
He took in a deep breath as he lowered his hips, easing into her. He was watching her too, and for a split second before her eyes snapped shut he could have sworn they had flickered red. He was too caught up in the moment, too caught up in  her to pay much mind to it though. She was his priority and nothing else mattered at the moment.
She let out a gasp, her fingers curling into the sheets below her for some sort of stability as she adjusted to the feeling of him. She certainly hadn't expected him to be so...well endowed. But she most defiantly wasn't complaining either. After a moment she nodded, looking up at him to assure him that she was okay.
He didn't waste a second and was soon thrusting his hips into her. Clearly he'd been eagerly waiting the go-ahead from her. He let out a  series of curses under his breath as she raised her hips to match his thrusts.
Her head dipped back, her lips parted in a gasp. She then let out a series of moans as the Doctor braced himself with one hand against the headboard and the other moving to her breast. His thumb ran across her tender flesh, earning an other particularly loud moan from her. Both of their paces were picking up and soon enough he could feel that familiar warmth building in his stomach. He went to pull out but her hands made their way to his arse, holding him in place. She looked up at him her eyes holding an almost frightening hunger in them. But he didn't much care. A few more forceful thrusts and he could feel himself coming undone. He let out a moan as he climaxed but he clearly wasn't the only one. He could feel Missy writhing beneath him and heard her moaning his name.
She panted looking up at him as he slowly began to lose his strength. She smiled, raising a hand to his face, pulling him in for an other kiss. This one a bit sweet and rewarding however. He pulled out of her with a small grunt and collapsed onto the bed next to her. He felt completely drained. He knew it had been a while but he hadn't thought it would take this much out of him. He panted, turning his head to look at her.
She turned over on her side, propping herself up on her elbow. She smiled at him. "Not bad." She commended him, leaning down to kiss him again.
He chuckled, though he was still breathing heavily. "Just 'not bad'?" He asked a bit disappointed but returned the kiss the best he could. Every little movement sapping his remaining energy.
She shrugged. "Okay. You were amazing." She admitted, laying back down and curling up against him.
As soon as he felt her skin against his he felt a bit of his strength renewed. He ran a hand down her arm, the arm the vampire had gotten to during the battle. This wound too was gone without a trace. "Missy..." He began, touching her upper arm where a wound should be. "How are you not hurt..?" He asked, utterly baffled.
She turned to look at him, catching his wrist in her hand. "How aren't you?" She asked, looking his wrist over. He flushed not answering though. "You have your secrets, I have mine. Let's just leave it at that, aye?" She said, leaning in to place a kiss to his lips. "When time comes. If time comes, you'll know."
He nodded. She was right though. Every Hunter had their secrets they weren't willing to share. Not to anyone. Even if he did feel himself falling for her. "Aye. That's fair enough." He returned the kiss, his energy still at a minimum.
She noticed his weakness, running a hand through his grey curls. "Sleep well, my love. We have much ahead of us." She whispered to him as he began to drift off into slumber. She was right. They had a demon to track and slay. It wouldn't be an easy task. He would need every ounce of strength that he could manage.

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