Into the Nest

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She was honestly a bit excited to see him in action. Especially since as of so far he seemed to take it all so seriously. "Let's go." He nodded, pushing the door open the same time as her.
They both went around to the trunk of the car opening it up. He was caught a bit off guard though when there was nothing inside. That was until she lifted up the floor to reveal an assortment of deadly silver weapons. They were all so much more intricate and beautiful then his were but right now that didn't matter.  They didn't have time for him to marvel at her arsenal.
She pulled out a pair of large machete-like blades, handing him one and keeping one for herself. She let the floor board fall back into place before slamming the trunk shut. She looked at him, a mischievous grin creeping across her lips. She could tell they would be quite the opposites in this feat. She'd delight in the slaughtered and he'd remain calm and collected. But as long as they got the job done it didn't matter. They gave each other a final nod and headed into the building.
It was broad daylight so most of the vamps were sleeping. It should be an easy hunt. They made their way in relatively unnoticed save for one vampire who was standing guard. Though Missy was swift to decapitate the beast, a spray of blood hitting the wall behind where he has stood and his body hit the group with a thud. Not loud enough to wake the dead, or rather the undead in this case.
The Doctor grinned a bit. It was impressive how easily she'd slain the beast; no disruption, no hesitation. Perhaps she was a better Hunter than he'd taken her for at first.
Finally they entered the basement and main hall of the build after making their way down a few flights of rusty stairs. A dozen or more vampires lay sleeping throughout the room, a few nestled together but for the most part spread out.
Missy gave him a slight smirk as they stood surveying the room. She twirled the blade in her hand, grinning like the devil himself. However, his eyebrows were knit together in a look of concern and almost pain. As she suspected, they were two very different killers.
He shrugged, there was no use waiting. The longer they stood there the more likely they were to wake the lot of them up and lose their element of surprise. She gave him a nod, understanding precisely what that shrug had meant. She quickly made her way to the closest sleeping creature, dipping down and slicing the blade across his throat. He made a bit of a startled gargling noise as he sat up and she took an other swing at him cutting his head off. His body hit the ground and a few of the other vampires stirred but did not awaken. At least not for a few seconds, they did however wake when the Doctor's kill hit the floor a few seconds after her's.
A chorus of groans filled the room before the realization of just what was going on hit them. Then there was a loud hiss and the sound of Lightning quick steps coming towards them.
The Doctor's eyes surveyed the group, at least twelve more vampires were rushing them but that didn't seem to faze Missy at all. He watched her out of the corner of his eye as she swiftly and easily removed the creatures' heads from their body's. That smirk ever present on her lips. She enjoyed this, a bit too much for his taste but he wasn't going to complain. She was on his side. Besides he was too busy taking on his own batch of fang-bearing monsters to worry about how immoral Missy might be.
He swung the blade with ease, dispatching a vampire with a single swipe and quickly moving onto the next. Before long they were left with one vampire whom had decided to hang back while the rest went to their deaths. The leader no doubt.
There was a glint in his eye as he stepped up from his perch in a large arm chair. He let out a small tsk sound at them as he walked towards them but still kept his distance. "Now what was the need in all of that?" He asked, stooping down to the nearest body to wipe up some blood on his fingers and lick it. "Francesco, by the way." He said giving a slight bow. "You killed all of my little pets. No matter I can make more."
Missy chuckled a bit to herself. "You're in no position to gloat, my friend. Or did you not see how easily we slaughtered your friends?" She asked, swinging her bloodied blades between her fingers playfully.
The Doctor sighed. This was banter. He didn't do banter. In fact it was the last thing he wanted to be doing at the moment. He stepped swiftly towards the vampire, swinging the blade at him. The creature however anticipated the action and matched the Doctor's speed to get out of the wrath of his blade. Francesco now bore his fangs at the two of them. "Now we have to do this the hard way. And I was going to let you off easy." He tsked at them. "Hunters." He spat out the word as his quick speed placed him behind Missy, slashing at her back with his razor sharp nails.
She let out a hiss of pain and spun around swinging her blade at thin air as the monster made its way to the Doctor, slicing at his wrist. He was fast. But not fast enough. Now that he'd attacked them both they anticipated where he would be next. He managed to get an other hit in on Missy's shoulder but he wasn't fast enough to land an other on the Doctor and they were both anticipating it. Both blades swing out in the direction of the vampire, easily slicing through his neck. He stood there for a moment, a shocked look across his face but soon his head rolled off of his shoulders and hit the floor, his body only seconds behind it.
Missy let out a devilish laugh. "Fool." She smirked to herself.
The Doctor gave her a disapproving look. He took no delight in ending a life, he just recognized that if some were not taken many more, much more innocent lives would be taken. Saving people. That was his main purpose in being in the business. Missy however, he wasn't sure anymore.
She dismissed the look however, whipping the blood from her blade on the bottom of her blazer. It was already in tatters so there was no use worrying about getting it dirty. Not that she wasn't already covered in blood. They both were actually. She stretched, letting out a long sigh. "That was easy enough. At least with you here to help it was." She grinned at the Doctor.
He nodded, a small smile playing across his own features now. "Aye. It's a lot more easy when you have a companion at your side." His smile faded though, as memories of his past companions were brought to mind. He shook his head, dismissing them and focusing on Missy. She could clearly handle herself just fine. He hates to admit it but she was much better than any of his past partners. Perhaps even rivaled his own abilities. He could get used to working with her. "Let's get back to the car to clean off and get out of here, aye?" He asked, walking to join by her side.
She smiled, seeming unfazed by the wounds the vampire had inflicted on her. "Sounds like a plan, darling."
They cleaned themselves off the best they could with the towels Missy had in the back of the car but there was only so much they could do.

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